Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "McCarthy says he will kick Dems off committees if GOP takes House" video.

  1. Setting aside the sleazy immoral Reich-wing grifters at the top -- people like Trump, Congressional Republicans, Reich-wing demagogues and media -- the rank-and-file of the GOP has become a fascist cult. To be clear, Trump did not create the cult, it existed before him. He merely served as a unifying figure they chose to rally around and worship as their fool's gold god. Trump appealed to their basest nature and told them what they wanted to hear. Now, those Reich-wing grifters may have cultivated their cult to exploit for their own greed, power and vanity, but at least to some extent the Republican cult in turn seeks to exploit the GOP for their own various misguided purposes. They CHOOSE to be willfully ignorant, to believe or espouse the lies, because as a political calculus they shortsightedly see it as expedient to their ends. What must also be taken into consideration are the characteristics of a cult. Why do people join a cult? Why do they choose to remain in a cult? No need to go into detail; the answers are largely common knowledge or easily researched. But it should be pointed out that in a complex world, the simplistic and rigid beliefs embraced by cults can be very alluring, no matter how fantastical and removed from reality. It should also be acknowledged that the Republican cult is not a monolithic entity, but an amalgamation of sects, including White supremacists, Christian nationalists, libertarians, sovereign nationals, anarchists, tax resistors, Qanon and other extremist fringe groups. Of course, not every Republican is an extremist, a fascist, or untethered from reality. But this latter more benign group is nevertheless part of the fascist Republican cult, complicit in their support of the whole, whether through their silent acquiescence and votes or willing assistance. It's a very dangerous feedback loop, a vicious circle, one that as it sinks further into depravity its threat correspondingly rises, for as the Republican cult has over time been becoming increasingly more radicalized, we witness the election of more radical politicians to represent them, more radicalized Reich-wing media and demagogues to feed them propaganda. While some Republicans are leaving the GOP and some others are speaking out and trying to save their party, they constitute a weak minority, unfortunately. In a normal, sane world, the Republican cult would have ended or been marginalized after the Mueller Report, after Trump's Ukraine shakedown and impeachment, after Trump's horrendous handling of a deadly global pandemic, after his election defeat, or after January 6th and his second impeachment. But that hasn't happened. Instead, the Republican cult continues to become increasingly more radicalized and extreme. As President Biden says, "We are in a battle for the soul of this nation." And that battle is far from over.
  2. Republicans can't handle reality, would rather traffic and believe in lies. The GOP is a fascist, nihilistic cult that would destroy democracy and America if given sufficient opportunity. And THAT, folks, is your reality check. What we are witnessing from so-called Republican "leaders" is just pure evil. They are either actively or silently complicit in fomenting Reich-wing domestic terrorist violence, Reich-wing insurrection, and Reich-wing undermining of our democracy and Constitution. It's crystal clear that Trump, Boebert, Greene, Gosar and other Republicans like them are fomenting Reich-wing domestic terrorism. The GOP has become radicalized to such an extent that it has essentially become a fascist terrorist organization, with members that fantasize and promote violence against their fellow Americans. While those Republican elected officials must be condemned and sanctioned, they are only a symptom of the disease poisoning a third of America, the most visible part of the cancer infecting our nation. The GOP has been mainstreaming radicalization of their voter base for decades, ALLOWING Reich-wing media and Reich-wing demagogues to take over the party, to the point it has become a fascist, nihilistic cult. Because just as now, Republican politicians and their plutocratic masters have always seen it as the ends justifying whatever means to win power. Remember the Republican Tea Party? This catastrophe with the GOP didn't start with Trump, who just exploited what Republicans had already built. Republican politicians are only interested in helping themselves, sadly. It's not even really placing party before country, because they don't really care about the GOP, either, which is evidenced by their destruction of it; they only use that as a convenient vehicle for graft and to grift their voters and us taxpayers. You don't get denialism without nihilism, and Sen. Hirono hits the nail on the head when she said that "Republicans don't give a shit." GOP = fascism + nihilism The few patriots left in the Republican party are rejected by the vast majority of Republicans. Hard as it may be for some to believe or accept, it is to our own and our nation's peril to ignore, diminish, or dismiss that the GOP has become a fascist cult. Their fascism, nihilism and cultdom needs to be recognized, acknowledged, called out, condemned, and strongly opposed if we are to keep our democracy. A third of America has been successfully Talibinized, thanks to Reich-wing plutocrats, Reich-wing media, Reich-wing demagogues, and Reich-wing politicians. Republican cult is the new ISIS. Call them Talibangelicals, ISIS-KKK, Y'all Qaeda, Vanilla ISIS, Reich-whingers (the original English word for whiners), or QaBomb----they're all part and parcel of the current lunatic Reich-wing GOP. Republican politicians are appeasing fascist, seditious terrorists...because that's their voter base, radicalization and extremism is what they have cultivated, nourished, nurtured, exploited, and profited from for four decades. Reich-wing politicians, plutocrats, demagogues, media, white nationalist, Christian nationalist religious, sovereign citizens and Qanon leaders thought they could ride the tiger, too arrogant, greedy, and stupid to foresee that master would become slave, and the beast they created would soon come to consume them.
  3. "Call this civic barbarism. Instead of promoting the values of responsible citizenship, Trump, Republican leadership, and their media enablers have elevated and blessed the very worst among us. They are making many Americans less suited for self-government and more dangerous to their neighbors. And they are doing so for the reason some of the Founders most feared: To lead the mob against true democracy." ― Michael Gerson, from 'Trumpism is American Fascism' (NOTE: Gerson is a staunch life-long conservative, who served as former President George W. Bush's chief speech writer.) As political commentator and former Republican presidential advisor Mark McKinnon so aptly put it recently, "The Republican party is at dysfunction junction." May disagree with conservative ideology and with their stances on many issues but do value and respect LOYAL opposition--a duty that the GOP has for too long forgotten and abdicated, putting personal and party interests before country. That is not only harmful to their party, it is harmful to our democracy and institutions. And it has come to represent a serious threat to our very security. "Until Republicans return to reality and become responsible, they should not be trusted with power again." ― Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney More Americans need to understand this. The constant lies, denials, deceits, delusions, gaslighting, dog-whistles, crackpot conspiracy theories, projectionism, Whataboutism, jingoism, bogus victimhood, and hypocrisy of Republicans is disgusting and alarming. Republicans have been programmed into a mindless fascist partisan cult that is unhinged, delusional and evil. The Republican cult has poisoned itself with its own propaganda, choosing to live in a dystopian fascist Orwellian fantasy world. The Republican cult has been radicalized to such extent that it poses a clear and present danger to our society, our democracy, our country, and the world. They have essentially become a domestic terrorist group, and we should be targeting the leaders of that group with the same vigor and determination we would a foreign terrorist group attacking our country. Don't know of a time since the Civil War when our nation has been at greater peril, and we need to recognize that, acknowledge it, and act upon it accordingly.
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