Comments by "wily wascal" (@wilywascal2024) on "Adviser to President Trump reveals the sexist nickname she was given by officials" video.
Toxic Trump and Republicans are traitors to America. They've been gaslighting Trump's Russian collusion and election fraud for years, and continue doing so. Trump should have been impeached and convicted after the Mueller Report, which didn't happen only because of A.G. Barr and Republicans, who were ultimately responsible for that failure. Then Congressional Republicans refused to impeach despite overwhelming evidence of Trump's Ukraine shakedown. The worst was the third time Republicans refused to impeach Trump after he incited a terrorist insurrection against his own government on the nation's Capitol. Republicans refused to even have a BIPARTISAN commission to investigate January 6. Moreover, throughout Trump's term and even after, Republicans have been KNOWINGLY spreading Russian propaganda designed to weaken America, kill Americans. So, when is Merrick Garland and the DOJ going to step up and hold Trump and his Republican accomplices accountable for their many FEDERAL crimes, or is Garland going to set the terrible, horrific precedent that a former President is a King and above the law? Just when America most needed a strong and courageous AG at the DOJ, we instead got a cowardly enabler in Merrick Garland.
"What happened on January 6 is the very definition of sedition." ~ Former Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson
Why has Traitor Trump not been charged yet by the DOJ? That's what a lot of people are wondering! Not just prosecution of Trump, but all his accomplices, too! Obstruction charges outlined in the Mueller Report, the Ukraine extortion racket, inciting an insurrection, sedition, and federal election interference. The evidence is all in plain sight, where are the indictments, the arrests? Our democracy hangs in the balance; this is no time to play nice, there is no time to waste! The DOJ shouldn't be worried about appearances, either, because it's a matter of impartially enforcing the law and not setting bad precedent that encourages future lawlessness and authoritarianism by the Executive Branch. And because justice matters.
"Until Republicans return to reality and become responsible, they should not be trusted with power again."
That's been obvious for some time, the same warning others like me have been advocating, but it's good that Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney is amplifying that message. More Americans need to understand this.
The constant lies, denials, deceits, delusions, gaslighting, dog-whistles, crackpot conspiracy theories, projectionism, Whataboutism, bogus victimhood, and hypocrisy of Republicans is disgusting and alarming. The Republican cult has poisoned itself with its own propaganda, choosing to live in a dystopian fascist Orwellian fantasy world. The Republican cult has been radicalized to such extent that it poses a clear and present danger to our society, our democracy, our country, and the world.
Republicans have been programmed into a mindless fascist partisan cult that is unhinged, delusional and evil. They're essentially a domestic terrorist group, and we should be targeting the leaders of that group with the same vigor and determination we would a foreign terrorist group attacking our country. Don't know of a time since the Civil War when our nation has been at greater peril, and we need to recognize that, acknowledge it, and act upon it accordingly.