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Comments by "" (@dertythegrower) on "Facebook Has A History Of Breaking Things — Now Maybe Democracy" video.
You are seriously delusional if you think that applies to every American. The Disney buyout of VICE has seriously effected and changed their style of reports, especially on VICELAND. It's really anti-American in many ways, veiled but if you're intelligent you can see through the smoke and mirrors.
All I have to say is go to any search engine and type ''jewish owned media chart'' -- i am not really a person whom cares about jewish people, most of them are just normal dudes in america that dont get religious on you, but its pretty funny how the whole chart is owned by 1 religious group and they buy out the smaller ones which are not, ending up almost 90 percent or more controlled by israeli people with a lot of money. Just look at the chart on googleimage search or yahoo image search, youll see the chart on many websites, its pretty crazy
This garbage subpar dying social network is barely used by Most AMericans -- therefor that proves this Russian thing had almost no influence on a huge portion of voters. If you think everyone who votes uses fecesbook you're a serious delusional fantasy believer, which is what facebook has done,. fantasize about its numbers and had to admit 1 in 10 accounts is a computer bot or duplicate account.
You and most of their website. Most people are just logged into automatically on browser and it tracks you on other sites with facebook click boxes.
So well said. Very well put, many are finally noticing and the top comments daily prove it (the people who were on VICE and got them the notice on youtube subscriber count) All I have to add is, inb4 butthurt know-nothing extreme left wing persons who automagically call you a ''russian bot'' or a ''trumpeteer'' even though most people who talk like you have greatly disliked both female and male rich lying clowns since the beginning of the obvious corruption in the DNC.. calling people a Russian bot is the democratic retards version of the republican ''libtard'' automated reply to anyone they dont agree with
Lady never deserved respect, she has not really done anything besides been a puppet put into the position because she is a good talker and has money connections. The site has been dying and they've lied and inflated numbers for years, finally once they went public in stocks, they had to admit over 1 in 10 accounts is a fake, thats literally hundreds of millions. It's all a fad, just like myspace social network, and aol buddy list social network before that, its all a fad that ends up gone in 10 years practically