Comments by "Richard Clifton" (@richardclifton4120) on "This is what you're going to see on Capitol Hill now: Doug Collins" video.

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  2.  @JeanetteFaith  I can reply back simply like this. I apologize to you upfront for this rant, but people just are not paying attention. Tell me what Biden has said truthfully without lying to the public since his campaign and inauguration? Then tell me how transparent Trump was even though he made it through 4 years under constant attack by the Media and the Democrats? You may not like Trump for some reason or another, but he at least spoke to people like they were adults and didn't lie to them about what he was doing. Up to this point in time, there are a lot of naysayers against him and they think he is crooked based on marketed lies targeting him, yet no court hearings to back up the allegations, and most of what was said during his time as President have now been debunked but we know Biden is crooked and would have been exposed long before the election had so many things not been suppressed by a biased and prejudiced media run campaign system that attacked him constantly and our DOJ also suppressing information concerning Biden. Why are the same media not doing the same to Biden and exposing his corruption when it is obvious what he has done and is doing? Just listen to his own Press Secretary, both past and present, and tell me honestly you can't see she is constantly lying and covering things up. None of the Press ever push her on her responses except Peter from FOX. You only have to look around and see what the country's condition is now compared to then. Registering as an Independent and voting as such will only take away your vote from both of the other party candidates unless the entire country does it and we do away with the two-party system. I don't see that happening, but I also never thought this country would get where it is today. Regardless of who is selected as the GOP candidate, I guarantee you Biden never has nor ever will get a vote from me. Biden has been a waste of taxpayer money since he entered the Senate and continues to do nothing except try and prove how tough he is when he in fact is simply a criminal in all aspects of what he has done and continues to do with a Presidential Seal as his shield. I'm thankful I never had to call him my Commander-In-Chief. That is all ...enjoy your weekend.
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