Comments by "Michael DeBlone" (@michaeldeblone1066) on "What Impact Will the Covid-19 Crisis Have on the Green / Environmental Movement?" video.

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  2. I see it as a dead giveaway that some big green deal has been settled on that pseudo science maybe already had been and this was just the usual narrative to sell the book/film. I'm just waiting for that link between leading extinction rebellion members and the organizations behind the renewable energies AFTER hoodwinked peeps have sunk their shares in. Most likely former hippy parents of some of the young middle class protestors who can afford to get arrested even help raise their profile are behind it in some way. It is just incidental if they happen to be tub thumping marxist feminist modern art loving vegans as well of course. Demonstration was deemed more important than people getting to their places of work. This again tells us something else about priorities of the UK government whom let's not forget in the months immediately prior to lockdown had been consistently telling us how many jobs they created without any growth industry to talk of - on the contrary - British Steel was busy biting the dust. Following on from that we had bending the knee to racially motivated protestors over an incident which happened the other side of the Atlantic whilst good ole law abiding Joe Public (the real suckers of this whole generational farce) sit at home and observe the social distancing rules others are apparently exempt from and feel a growing sense of injustice mounted on existing sentiments of injustice. Well apart that is from the annual sunworshippers who could not resist heading to Bournemouth beach but I think a lot of us kinda knew that was on the cards the minute lockdown was announced. I agree with Benny that it isn't specifically about British behaviour but their are very British attitudes on display right now that he can be forgiven for not knowing about and I am happy for him because it can be a right royal pain in the jacksy living here during the summer.
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