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Zeihan on Geopolitics
Comments by "JX" (@J_X999) on "Zeihan on Geopolitics" channel.
People have literally been saying this since around 2013. China keeps on churning stuff out, no amount of larp is changing that.
Zeihan's the sort of person to dress up when picking up his kids from school.
Just because they are a US ally, doesn't mean you can just be biased and ignore all their huge problems. "Meh, Japan will be fine, trust me"
Geekerwan and asianometry have already debunked this.
That deal singlehandedly halted Japanese influence around the world. Unlike countries like China, Japan had no choice but to sign, due to WW2
LAMO china will become superpower because their workforce is getting more educated. this is a talent dividend which will increase wages and economic growth and china will raise their birth rate through cutting the cost of parenthood whilst giving incentives and it will fucking work and it will prove everyone wrong, china talent dividend will last 10 years before their birth rate rises and solves their demography. communist red china socialist birth rate increase zhong guo china birth incentives will work daoooooo China will also catch up to the west in semiconductor technology because of their leadership prioritising it whilst concentrating China's huge resources and because the leading edge development will slow as chips hit their physical limit. So you can shove my 5.8 inch penis right up your mouth and suck it boi because China will raise their birth rate and make HUGE breakthroughs in semiconductor technology. LMAOOOOOOOO conts in the replies let rip, if the replies get more likes that means i am correct and it confirms my predictions! peter zeihan cunt
Asianometry's analysis is much better than Zeihan. This guy makes his money from predicting the collapse of China. He is not a semiconductor expert, whereas Asianometry IS.
@premiersportingkc3443 China updates is a propaganda channel. A better alternative is China beige book or the China project.
Good effort, but incorrect. China's economy is already recovering and Xi's lack of stimulus has successfully deflated the property bubble. It's not what you WANT to hear, but the CCP doesn't give a shit!
China will successfully raise their birth rate with improved childcare services and lowering the cost of having children. China's economy is also recovering, snd and Xi has successfully weaned China off it's unsustainable growth model. Get real
@timothy harper Never said you did Harper.
@andreasbucher7717 That's strange, because China's investing loads into robotics as well. Their robot density has surpassed the US. But that doesn't me they aren't going to fragment into multiple nations by 2030. Japan bias.
People ignore the fact that China will be able to raise their birth rate. The Chinese government is about to implement the most effective birth rate policies including: lowering the cost of having children, better childcare services and other vital societal and cultural changes. "B-b-but no other country has been able to raise their birth rate 🥺👉👈" That's because countries with very low birth rates aren't doing anything to solve the roots of the issue. Instead, they are throwing money at the problem. Whilst countries like Japan and Korea sit idly by and do nothing for their birth rate, China will strive forward and successfully raise their birth rate through the action listed above, proving twerps like Yi Fuxian and Zeihan completely wrong! Feel free to get mad, I'll give you some attention.
Zeihan watchers and fans are the most deluded shits in the world.
Japan is easily the most overrated country in the world. Demographics are destiny. Japan probably won't exist by 2100 and it is too late for Kishida to change that. Their tech isn't even up to China's standards. They've seen no proper war since '45 and "realistic training" doesn't cut it. For countering China, they will be helpful but past 2030, their economy and society will collapse due to a horrific demographic situation that many people willingly overlook.
Automation doesn't directly require the silicon chips we have now. Photonics, carbon and other chemical processes will gain or even out perform silicon in the next 5 to 10 years as the silicon we know reaches its physical limit.
Japan has cheap healthcare, free in Tokyo from 2025, but their births are collapsing. Debunked the whole video.
China is deliberately refraining from a government bail out of the real estate sector. As reported by JPM and Bloomberg, as well as Reuters. This is because they don't want to increase future expectations of real estate bailouts, and therefore want to reduce the risk of moral hazard. This means the Chinese government is purposefully letting the real estate bubble deflate. That's what all the bad news about. The CCP knows what they are doing, and what they want to achieve.
Serpentza's videos are all sensationalist and exaggerated to the extreme. His recent video was about how China is "stealing air." They obviously aren't, and I'm amazed to see that people genuinely believe him. Although they have similar points, Peter's content is of far greater quality and puts Serpentza to shame. This video alone shows how Peter is focused on the facts and figures, whilst Serpentza just wants clicks and anti-China sentiment. TLDR: Serpentza is garbage, Zeihan is quality.
@baahcusegamer4530 Not really. Most of Serpentza's content is just sensationalist and exaggerated for an audience who treats his word like Gospel. Its obvious. No explanation needed. Zeihan is much better. He makes videos about economics and demographics, rather than about how China is supposedly "stealing air." Zeihan has consistently proved to be a reliable source of China based geopolitics. Serpentza hasn't.
@VoidOfDarkness9 Well automation and technology isn't from china's data
ur gonna have to keep waiting son.
@loot6 when people have been talking about the collapse of china for longer than youve been alive, you realize it may just be bullshit. all of it. crazy huh?
So this is the 15th time he's dedicated a whole section to his "Patreon."
@kb.e3762 So 10 years ago, people were talking about China overtaking the United States, and now they are talking about collapse? If you told people in 2013 and China is collapsing economically, you'd be laughed at. So if I'm from 2033, and I tell you Chinese real estate and manufacturing are fine, am I going to get laughed at the same way?
I've been following China since 2010 and I can tell you that what you've said is bullshit. Your sources are exaggerated reports likely from Falun Gong funded sources. Next!
@Karanar "It will take them decades to catch up" China makes breakthrough the very next year
The Japanese aren't thinking long term. Look at their demographics. Most people are so infatuated with Japan that they fail to see their own bias.
China will successfully raise their birth rate with improved childcare services. Pokemon will also make a China-based region.
@bighands69 Russian arms are great. The problem with the war in Ukraine is god awful planning and logistics. AKs are great, Russian tanks are great, jets decent but when you've got 80 mile long traffic jams, you've fucked it up.
@junkscience6397 The only way for America to fall is through the inside, China knows this. Look at the kids born from 2005 to 2010. Every last one of them has a Chinese spy app on their phone, which they spend 2 hours on every single day. If that ain't commie infiltration, tell me what is.
You'll get some heat for that down below 👇
China is now focusing on mature nodes I think, their semiconductor plans are very secretive, which is wise considering the devastation of the US sanctions. Although most will just say "they don't have a plan"
They are. But not one that can challenge the US.
It doesn't have the 2nd strongest navy on earth. That is bullshit. It's economy will be collapsing anytime soon. Demographics, my friend, demographics.....
@QuizmasterLaw You've fallen in to the trap buddy. The UK is falling apart at the seams due to those Indian passports and foreigners coming in. Look at the state of London, Birmingham etc. I lived in the UK from when I was 5 to when I was a 16 year old teen. Went back last summer and holy shit have things gone south. I've never seen so many foreigners dominate a country like that. Besides, the British military is in terminal decline. Britain isn't a world class fighting force. "Better training, but we beat US marines in a simulated training battle!" The PLA could probably take on Britain with ease. Let alone the US.
@QuizmasterLaw The UK is done as a major power. Japan is too. People willingly ignore China to a shocking degree of delusion but demographics will have their way with all 3 countries.
It's because Japan is a US ally, and therefore many people ignore their problems or just deny their severity, claiming they will be fine. They won't.
@CMB21497 Because he's wrong, and he's also biased, but he says what people want which makes them believe him. High tech chip fabs won't save Japan. It's just a cope because they are a US ally
@simoncrooke1644 I agree, however to be honest, I think China is more likely to make radical society changes which bear more success than Japan. The US is definitely an immigration expert however immigration isn't the magic bullet people think it is. As much as people don't like to believe this, immigration causes rife racial division. Every generation becomes less American, and more Hispanic, or black etc. This will have profound consequences on American society. Increasing births whilst regulating immigration is key. Call me racist or whatever, but having lived in the UK for 10 years, I can tell you I would NOT like to see the US go down the same track.
@YourHineyness Awful move from you. Productivity increases, dominating technology, green revolution, I mean you really shouldn't have brought this up.
@EeeEee-bm5gx Speak English lil bro
@simoncrooke1644 The problem with Japan's birth rate is people don't have TIME, MONEY or SECURITY.
Peter Zeihan is horrifically biased on Japan. The truth is that the UK, Russia, Germany, China, Japan, S.Korea will probably be facing economic and societal collapse within the coming decades. India will follow after the 2040s (fertility rate plummeting even faster than China's)
People who say "robots don't consume" completely miss the point. Robotics don't replace humans. They make humans more productive. Productivity = wage increase. Wage increase = more consumption.
@j.langer5949 This is something China realises. With a demographic situation signalling collapse, they banned "effeminate men" in 2021. Basically acknowledging that feminine men in East Asia is damaging to births
Everyone knows the Chinese aren't going to collapse either. Only die hard Zeihan fans are still believing that.
@robertbrown1338 He doesn't speak any truth about China. He speaks what you WANT to hear. That's why his audience is a bunch of 40 year old men that have been waiting for the collapse of China since 2003.
@ItsJoKeZ He p-p-praised the CCP for making a technological breakthrough, he m-m-must be a wumao, what are we going to d-d-do? Man up lil bro
Japan has changed a LOT since '45. They aren't the strong Asian tiger that people think. Demographics gentlemen, demographics