Comments by "john papst" (@johnpapst7941) on "Comedian Arturo Castro Reviews The Trailers For The Lion King And Hobbes & Shaw" video.

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  3.  @BothHands1  What about abortion in New York? Why did you, the left, or women not step up then? Perhaps all these anti abortion laws would not get so much support now then? The left (and women particularly) need to learn cause and effect. If you push too hard things will, rightfully so, swing back at you. There are some instances where I might agree you can't push hard enough, but abortion being allowed at any stage randomly is not such an instance. You have to speak up when the left goes too far, when feminism goes to far, when they're reaching for straws or just trying to be hurtful, when minorities go too far. Because perhaps just maybe it's possible that the left can go too far!? In the Netherlands Abortion has been at 24 weeks since like 1984. 24 weeks is already way too long, never mind 9 months. 3 Months is plenty of time to notice and make a decision. There is no reason that can justify abortion at longer 3 months other than medical things. Yet we allow women this selfishness, and I'm not religious for the record. I speak from logic. Women need to be held responsible and be treated like adults, not given a pass like children. You see the same issue with prison sentences and lots of other things. I'm in favor of equality and I'd say we've had equality (or 'better', for women) across all western countries for 30-40 years, and gays and lesbians face very little if any discrimination. My sister is lesbian. The current 'issues' presented by women and LGBT are unfounded garbage. they have pushed too hard, and for no good reasons. Also I hardly ever see guys taking up multiple seats despite the fact that men do have things in between their legs. Women and bags on the other hand... I see that a lot but I won't be trying to campaign for laws against it. However add to that the paranoia the media feeds them about men and that only gets worse because they are irrationally scared. Simple example: At Amsterdam University there was a faculty which supposedly had some shady sexual harassment stuff going on. This then made the national Dutch news as "Universities are unsafe". So not only do they try to portray some of the safest places in one of the safest countries in the world as worse than say Congo, they do it by enlarging the issue not once but twice. Instead of 1 faculty it becomes all faculties at all universities. Now if the story turns out to be true I fully condemn it, but that's not the point. The point is that even when the story is true you call that fear mongering, by the Dutch left and Dutch leftist media (there are no right wing Dutch media). That's part of why I no longer vote left. Anyway, Bernie and his 15 dollar minimum wage except for his own employees fiasco are a joke as well, probably back in 2016 too except we didn't realize yet. Among your Dem candidates I see very little promise, especially among the ones likely to win either by name recognition or being backed by media/feminists/black people etc. The funny thing is I probably know more about American politics than you right now, as well as our dutch politics, but it's ok.