Comments by "David H" (@DavidHalko) on "The Biggest Threat to the U.S.? (Worse Than You Think)" video.
1:00 - “highest GDP to debt ratio”
This is a nightmare, you are right.
They have to stop spending like a drunken sailor, but Democrats in Congress traditionally drive this, and US voters are addicted to government services.
3:30 - [US Presidents speak on debt]
The US found out during the Trump administration that when Trump did not spend the money allocated by Congress, Democrats sued President Trump for not spending what Congress budgeted.
It was the craziest thing I have ever seen, in my lifetime!
5:43 - “white house continued to raise the debt ceiling”
This is not the role of the White House or President.
6:35 - “debt ceiling… serves no function except to generate political tension”
This is completely false. It is through the debt ceiling mechanism that the US congress has been able to force deals to constrain spending by other members of Congress.
The reason the President is needed, is because the President is the leader of a major political party, in this case the Democrat Party [which is addicted to uncontrolled spending], and the President must tell his political party members to fall in line & vote for the debt control measure, otherwise they vote against the debt control measure to bring home $$$ pork 💵 to their constituents.
6:54 - “Republican Gephardt… Gephardt rule”
This was a nightmare, as you suggested.
7:46 - “White House addicted to debt”
Once again, the White House is not the driver, Congress is the driver
Usually, if the opposing party is in control of congress, there are 2 paths:
1. Congress drive spending to make the White House look bad (ie Democrat Congress under Republican Trump… resulting in a 1 term President when his voting base did not come out to support him)
2. Congress drives less spending and can make the President look good (ie Republican Congress during Democrat Clinton… extending him to 2x terms during scandals)
8:40 - “checks written by the White House”
You really don’t understand how this works in America. The White House does not really control the spending.
11:25 - “social security… funds projected to run out… take out more and more debt”
They will merely increase the payroll tax or facilitate more illegal aliens so illegal aliens must steal social security numbers to work & therefore pay into the system & not get that money out when they retire. This is how Democrat President Biden’s policy is buoying Social Security.
14:20 - “pensions will have to financed with debt”
No, previous debt from other departments must be paid back, and those departments must start paying back their borrowing from Social Security… so the social spending will come to a halt pretty quickly before there is a default.