Comments by "David H" (@DavidHalko) on "Does Israel want to lead a new Arab NATO? - VisualPolitik EN" video.
@Noxcho-li8pn - “the Kurds don’t know what they want”
In Kurds have been historically known for a few thousand years, partnering with the Assyrians to rule an empire, partnering with Babylon to rule an empire, partnering with the Persians to rule an empire. They were historically seen as the spoiler, required for any ethnic minority to rule. It is all in “The Book” [as Mohammed (PBUH) called it.]
The Kurds negotiated with the Turks during the fall of the Ottoman Empire for their own state, but they did not get it. Kurds stretch from Turkey 🇹🇷 in the North to Syria 🇸🇾 & Iraq 🇮🇶 & Iran 🇮🇷 going West to East.
The Kurds would be needed to hold modern day Iraq together, with the Arabs to form a majority, but Saddam Hussein screwed up and tried to rule it all with his own religio-ethnic Sunni-Arab group… and today’s Iraq 🇮🇶 effectively has Kurdistan partitioned, on their way to becoming a state, some day.
“Fight amongst themselves”
Like the Arabs don’t? ROTFL! 😂
Civil wars in Syria 🇸🇾, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Iraq 🇮🇶, Yemen 🇾🇪, Libya 🇱🇾
Wars between nations: Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦& Yemen 🇾🇪, Palestine 🇵🇸 & Israel 🇮🇱
The reason for it… the Arabs are not a homogeneous group.
- Arabs came from the Arabian Peninsula, invaded Mesopotamia
- Arabs slaved people who were not part of their own religion, and now Muslims only slave the remaining (ie Yazidi)
- When no one is left to slave, they fight against themselves in their own historical ethnic groups.
The Kurds want their own nation, and they don’t fight themselves to get it… unlike the Arabs who annexed pieces of Palestine 🇵🇸
“besides Sunnis nobody should rule the Middle East”
In Iraq 🇮🇶, the Shiite are the majority, so Majority should not rule? 😂
In Lebanon 🇱🇧, the Shiites hold the majority of illegal military power, so they should not rule?
This type of thinking 💭 that only Sunnis or only a single religion should rule a nation is what got people killed, over and over again, for thousands of years in the Middle East.
Ruling by one’s religion, because one thinks their religion ruling by the power of the gun/sword over all others is superior, will only perpetuate the wars there.
It is a shame. It really is.
The only reason the Middle East has any modern things is because The West has figured out that Religion should not rule, but all citizens, regardless of their religion, should be treated equally under the law.
@davidford3115 - The Turks exported all of the Armenians around WW1… to dug holes in the desert, to the bottom of wells, to the bottom of the Black Sea. Turks gave promises to the Kurds, to get their help.
Syria, Turkey, Iraq, Lebanon, Iran all have Kurdish populations. They were all against partitioning for the Kurds.
Saddam “poisoned the well” between the Sunni & Kurdish populations. If they played their cards right, Iraq would not basically be. Satellite country of Iran.
Minority Sunni’s, locked out of jobs, are still suicide bombing Majority Shia controlled government facilities.
People made decisions with the fall of the Ottoman Empire, people tried their best, and things are still working through it all.
@cashewnuttel9054 - humanity is a mixed bag. Some would, some would not, usually a minority stands up and fights.
For 600 years, Arabs & Jews lived in the Middle East around Jerusalem… under the rule of a non-Arab and non-Jewish ethnicity. They were effectively ruled by Aliens 👽
Palestine 🇵🇸 just needed to stand up a government, the same way Jordan 🇯🇴, Syria 🇸🇾, Lebanon 🇱🇧, Iraq 🇮🇶, Turkey 🇹🇷, and Israel 🇮🇱, and as many others also did… they were all part of the same occupation.
Had it not been for the US 🇺🇸 entering the world wars, Palestine 🇵🇸 would never have had the opportunity to stand up their own nation, even though they refuse to for 75 years.
@delvon86 - “Europeans who took Palestine”
Europeans created Palestine by committed genocide of Jews in 70 A.D. The Muslims allowed Jews to return. There had been Jews in diaspora for over 1000 years, and once the Jews living there got a state, they could invite their long lost family members back.
The Arabs took Palestine, when Palestinians refused to stand up a state and Palestinians hosted Fascist WW2 loser allies of Hitler from the Balkans as fighters, paid for by the surrounding Arab Nations, to keep Israel from standing up… and then Jordan annexed The West Bank while Egypt annexed Gaza!!!
It is time for people to leave their racist ideologies behind, Palestine to cease being belligerent to Israel (ending military hostilities to a recognized UN state is a pre-requisite to being formally recognized according to the UN charter), and decide to stand up their own state.
It is up to Palestine, not anyone else.
The only reason it has not happened is because of corruption in the Palestinian warlords, who want their cut of the war money, at the hands of dead Palestinian children. It is a shame.