Comments by "Mark Pawelek" (@mark4asp) on "My Top 10 Philosophy Books" video.

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  4. Rant. I've never been able to understand this obsession with ethics which philosophers have. So much so, that they study book after book on it! My philosophical obsessions were always epistemological - mainly because it's so simple, but so many people get it so wrong. It leads to a puzzle. Why are you - the rest of you - so bamboozled over what is real? Most of us (AKA: you) have an epistemology which is back to front. It follows, that my obsessions revolve around: why do we (AKA: you) get reality so wrong? As I see it - misunderstanding epistemology, in practice, philosophical systems always lead philosophers misunderstanding reality? For me, this obsession with ethics the rest of the human race has is a kind of sin because it leads so many of you to evil: to want to impose your views on everyone else - always badly - because you misunderstand reality so badly too. Although I am an atheist, when I talk about most people 'getting reality wrong' I'm referring to both the common people and the intelligentsia. So my study of epistemology - doesn't lead to a theory of knowledge but to theories of error, or mis-knowledge. Misinformation, as the media call it. I'd be interested in what happens when ethics meets misinformation. AKA: Lies and deception. Because one sure way to get followers is to taut one's ideas as ethical - when - if they're based on misinformation - they must surely be anti-ethical. Which leads to a question for Jared, or anyone: What is a good book on Bad Ethics?, on Ethics gone wrong? So Jared's choices are alien to me. Yet I still love that he gave us this video. Of the books in the list, the only one I object to is Hegel. Because Hegel's meta-story of human nature inverts reality. It cons its readers into thinking they're seeing through to an underlying reality (or chain of causation) when they're merely be ing told a tall story by a master storyteller. Alternatively to #10, one may as well have added Tolkien or J.K. Rowling as Hegel. But hey, thank God there's no Heidegger in your list. Heidegger - even more of an anti-philosopher than Hegel!
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