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The Rubin Report
Comments by "bighand69" (@bighands69) on "The Rubin Report" channel.
Sarah Connor felt like a real human being and was well played by Linda Hamilton. Unfortunately today that is not the case with most characters.
Ron DeSantis is a graduate of Harvard law and was a judge advocate of the Navy and is an Iraq veteran. He is literally the 1% of the 1%.
Nothing wrong with Bush republicans but their issue was the fact they were too soft with the media and ended up allowing the media to dictate policy.
The only people with 150,000 student debt should be doctors, dentists and so on. Somebody who is qualifying as a school teacher earning $60,000 per year should not have $150,000 student debt.
It is because the media does not challenge them and they exist within a cultural bubble and they think their performance is good because that is what the culture feeds back to them. What do people think happens when everybody gets a trophy and those that finish in first are not considered the winner.
A liberal is somebody who believes in Life, Liberty and estate. Most of the people in the media, politics and education who call them self Liberal are really socialists.
It really depends on what you want to do. If you want to be a doctor, physio or dentist then college should be the way to go and debt most certainly should be considered even with good paying jobs. There is no reason why accountants cannot train in the work place rather than getting $150,000 in debt. If a person wants to study accounting at college they should only have about $20,000 of student loan debt as a maximum and probably should be aiming for about $10,000.
It also insane when they call Ben Shapiro a Nazi or white supremist. You do not have to agree with Shapiro but calling silly names makes no impact at all.
You need lots of industry for that. There does not need to be a 4 year trade school either there are plenty of trades that can be learned with a few months of school and on the job training. To be a butcher takes about 4 years of training working in a shop does not take that long. There many great trained skills out there that America needs. And also if a kid learns a trade there is nothing stopping him or her from university and high academics.
@Gilded Chamber Jimmy Fallon does not seem comfortable with the whole political thing. You can tell he does not like doing it but seriously has to keep the job. Sort of like gritted teeth.
+The_Dailey on Twitter You just named what Trump is running on. He is not perfect but he is the best we have right now. A soft conservative like Rubio or Cruz will not beat the war on women (by soft I mean pleasant and polite).
@SL-es5kb New York state has a population of 20 million with about 60% of that being urban.
They dislike but they also get programmed by it. Most people when they put on the news in the evening for 10 or 15 minutes of information they will believe what they are hearing because it is repeated across the 4 main networks 27/4 365 days of the year.
They need to band together and form their own platforms that can circumnavigate the tech curtain. In the long term they could create something that outstrips these bloated corporations.
@robertthomas2601 A lot of people at some point gets a TV show cancelled it does not mean their career is over. Adam decided to do a podcast himself using his own money to fund it just as Joe Rogan has done the same. Those guys are not career people they do their own thing. Those guys could have TV shows tomorrow if they so desired.
all by design.
It is different this time. In your era you were not bombarded with entertainment 24/7 that shapes the mind. And more than likely your parents also guided you. Today the parents have outsourced their children to the state, entertainment and handheld devices that they are transfixed on for several hours at a time. I do hope I am wrong that there is a swing around but I fear that children have been so bombarded that many are now damaged. The teenagers and generation X that are out rioting today are also damaged even though there are so few of them the media has convinced everybody that the mobs are the norm and are the real culture. Let us hope my negativity is wrong.
Some colleges do not put up with PC nor are they run by PC. The key is to locate a college that is more balanced and reasonable. If more parents did this it actual may force other colleges who are on the borderline to also become more balanced. The school I send my children to is not PC and never would tolerate it and they fired teachers for pushing politics. One cried in front of parents about fascism and new racism when she was confronted about political teaching in a english class. Do your research so that the kids have a chance. Trade school is also a great option but it is not a career for those that want to study medicine or economics. There is nothing stopping a young person from going to trade school and then college later if need be.
@nicegy0197 The reason that is happening is due to the fact that the market place is not competitive enough. In the 1950s and 1960s employers had to train their staff even new entrants to the market place. They had no other option no training no employee. Controlled market places with minimum wages are one of the factors that drives the uncompetitive modern markets.
They probably are better to not talk about these things but I suspect this is a production and not just them show up for a chinwag.
@robertthomas2601 Adam is a true comedian and people like Jimmy Fallon know who he is. Adam is a podcast guy because he got sick of mainstream entertainment comedy which has sold out. At some point Fallon will get sick of it if it does not change.
@ScottMedburyAuthor The US has several centuries ahead of it.
No. They will not due to the fact that most people are completely unaware of the political and culture game that is taking place. Now the only thing that may be in favor for the recall is that most people who normally vote are just uninterested in the recall and it comes down to those that are really interested in the recall.
@jeffumbach Most people are not like you. They tend to be a lot less motivated.
@kanibeMe The US constitution cannot be applied to foreign citizens. Otherwise foreign citizens would be seeking protection under US law when in their own courts. No I think you have misunderstood the constitution. It can only be applied inside the US and to US citizens.
If California is lost so are all the other states.
And where do you think those people that move out of California are going to go and do you really believe that the left is just going to stop at California.
@notmyrealname7863 The best way for traditionalists to actually compete is to start their own media groups and to try and influence the existing media at a business level.
Those children did have issues and the teachers concern was to be running the classroom. The Ritalin crisis came about due to bad parenting and the absence of mothers. Families than had stay at home mothers had far lower instances of extreme ADHD in children. The numbers were nowhere near as high as 28 out of 30.
So does that professor feel the same way about the suit, shoes and glasses he is wearing? This is the absolute absurdity of postmodern philosophy. It leads down to roads that are nothing more than contradictions.
California cannot be saved until the media is challenged in America as a whole. There needs to be media competition so that the left cannot control the public vision of world. And by that I do not mean conservative media because that will only appeal initially to conservatives.
DeSantis is not going to run with Trump and ruin his political brand. Trump has already damaged his own brand and that of the republican party. The media were a big part of that but how Trump responded put fuel on the fire.
There is bound to be other republicans in Florida that could do a good job and win an election. I think the democrats have damaged them self so much in Florida that a good republican would win.
I disagree. While Trump has a following and he is quick witted that does not guarantee that he would be a match in debates against DeSantis. Primaries are not like a presidential election in that they rely on a group of followers and debate performances. No independents are needed.
Most people are not living in fear. They are just unaware of what is happening because their main window to the world is TV media.
That is a typical technique of left wing activists.
She is making no sense at all especially when asked if the vaccine actually works.
There is n o such thing as left leaning liberals. It does not exist and progressives is just another way of saying Marxist.
The left are not that intelligent. They have tried on several occasions across several generations to try and change society and have failed. What they effectively learned is that conservatives/traditionals care about politics but they do not care about communication platforms that much. So by default the left moved to entertainment and effectively realized that they could have far more traction in that field than through the public political institutions. Even today conservatives do not care about the communications platforms. For example could you name one communications platform of social importance owned by a conservative.
That is true to a point but they still believe everything they see on the news.
What most of you seem not to understand is that none of this has anything really to do with politics. It does not matter who the governor is the rot is still there. Something is driving the publics opinion to the point they are voting against their own interests.
We need to stop calling them low information voters. They are just normal people that are not motivated by politics. People need to start getting their heads around the fact that America is based on editorial of 4 corporations. Disney at one point was a conservative entertainment company. Until people understand that this is all about media nothing will change. If the media was to become balanced tomorrow the political landscape would change overnight.
You and others need to form a group that can be used to try and change the outcome of the media. What we are seeing right now is the workings of TV media that has changed the public opinion of the world.
The reason democrats are doing that in the cities is they hope it will push out their voter base to the suburbs and small towns. Democrats have a large enough lead in certain state cities that they can afford to push out 5% to 7% of their voter base to try and affect lower population areas.
Women and men are different. There is just no getting around that. Men will clearly understand what Adam is talking about but women have no understanding of the concept at all.
I do not think they are narcissists I think they are misguided but that is the environment they are in. That is not a casual conversation and is a production do not think that is just those two ladies turning up and talking nonsense. There management companies, agents, studios and publishers behind all of that. We do not know but it could also be scripted.
Jennifer Lawrence is a good actress but may not be to everybody's taste in the way she acts. I do like her but she really should look at the stars of old they rarely would say anything and might just say who they voted for and that was about it.
You should check out the The Getaway with Ali MacGraw and Steven McQueen it is a thrill ride of a movie. Calamity Jane is great fun as well with Doris Day.
It is simple those that attend college with a plan are going to be ok. Those that just aimlessly go their to study nonsense are going to end up with debt and nonsense in their life.
People have had their world view shaped by tv media. It has created a mindset in people that are too scared to be targeted or who buy the public story of what is happening. Until people understand that this is all about TV nothing will change.