Comments by "Ghost_Of_Compromism" (@nikitatarsov5172) on "Where is Russia's "Missing" SU-57 Stealth Fighter?" video.

  1. That's suprisingly short on info. I mean, the russian gov made it clear that this isen't so much a classy fighter jet but a e-warfare bird. Still noone in the west seem to take note of that - what would put a lot of confusion into perspective. So ... hasen't anyone checked the announcements? Noone? I mean it still can be shit, but measuring something to be a shitty boat when the manufactorer claims it is a backing machine ... is somewhat harming the own effort. Condisdering the e-warfare thingy, and being part of russians air force doctrine (so mainly fight over freindly terrain) the bird has not so much need for stealth than a F-35 has (as a intruder concept). In a faceoff, Su-57 might like ther enemy to fire missiles at it, as even oldschool Su-21 hasen't shown much problem to ECM some AIM-120 out fo the air. So it might need a good S400+ to shoot down a Su-57 (and Patriot suck, sry to say), advertising ther missile family in some weird way. And the 3D vectoring of russian planes hasen't been challenged to this day, so that also isen't a point to really doubt (if that particular bird really needs it might be another question but ... russians are still russian, right? I'm happy they not put a tank cannon under the plane just for the coolness). Still i guess they have some tricks up ther sleeve to handle more sophisticated missile systems - and as these are not very stealthy, they might be engaged in a more classy dogfight scenario, with jamming and mid range missiles, reaching a pretty good tradeoff between own and enemy capacitys in contested airspaces. Still that's all one of my personal theorys that would make sense. All of this would make it a good "i can see your house"-item and by that a good seller for who has the bucks to get into. That RU is consider to sell it might be a general topic of reputation and standing in BRICS nations to be visibly on the top of the pack, even if China shooting new designs of just everything out every week. And no matter how good it might be as a e-warfare-plane, remember that F-35 has its capabilitys not really by its design, but of battlenetworks sharing and handling data. This mean its an open network all the time, rely on this tool for its basic peformance. And the Su-57 just coincidentally bring exactly the shape fitting teeth for that throat. Interesting.