Comments by "Ghost_Of_Compromism" (@nikitatarsov5172) on "China's NEW Giant Infantry Vehicle is a Nightmare" video.

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  2. Ouhm ... technology edge: Sorry to say (even as a german citizen), but that 'edge' is a myth for some while now. There are some nations who have partial dominance in some kinds of productin (the US barely being one for over fifteen years now). The most product you find in the US are from thh cheapest manufacturer, and these often being chinese ones. Even on the most sophisticated products. China has that edge, and is in a club of nations who all have ther special focuses - GER, RU, Israel and such. The 'gap' in products you mention on the lower end of media processing is what a nation likes to flex with, and what focus it has on products. China don't cared for sopisiticated weapons as lond as it made ther job. But corporate/national ideas now have reched the military, and after not getting the respect of the world by being a great money maker, they try to copy the US signs of pride and make superior and (unnessecary) complex weapon systems. Bit of an irony that the us now indeed recognises CH to be a big nation - or at least a big threat. And if GEr want to build the most sophisticated, space-magic submarine, they didn't go to the US to help, but RU. If you ever look at an US sub, and think that's freaking sophisticated, then realise that all experts will tell you its steam age compared to the german subs. And then you just need to make the small second steap and aknowledge that russians have almost all of the technologys and ideas that createt this space-boat as well - the the US didn't. Reality vs. popular imagination. Still RU didn't build a boat on this basis, as it doesn't had a need for it, or needet such an expensive one to serve ther doctrines and strategical ideas. They had another aproach, but not on a lower understanding of technology. They shared this with CH and IN to create bonds, instead of a super sophisticated boat. That's another goal to achieve, and shouldn't misinterpreted as lack of expertise. You can say that chinese doctrin is way behind its tech. They might rather wondr what to do with ther shiny toys but to have unsophisticated stuff. In the past, it has been more effective for CH to produce super sophisticated parts and ship them to the US, so they can make 'modern western designs' from but to use them for themselfes. Money is king for CH, and money they make - dependance of the US from CH is just icing on the cake. Similar but different its with RU. Western equipment has been available in huge quantity, so it has been used, now to find in many drones and tank optics, people like to claim RU has been inable to make them on ther own. That's a ridiculous claim. RU has switched to domestic production as soon as the sanctions harmed this sector. Its hard to belive they made it from 0 to 100% without having the ability yesterday. And hey, i dnb't think americans are specially dumb. Its an economy that cycles about showcasing and marketing that makes it harder to inovate. The US often benefittet from people leaving ther collapsing nations and flee to teh US, bringing good education and not enough ellbows to compete in US capitalistis enviroment. Ukrain might be the next 'booster' for inovative people fleeing ther country. But its still not that good in terms of renewable inventiveness. GER, CH, RU and some others had pretty good education (some of them also a bit class restrictive and unfair, but still), and US universitys are minaly to connect rich kids with other rich kids. Education is optional. And i guess that's both, something to realise as a problem and a thing to correct.