Comments by "hugh mungus" (@hughmungus2760) on "What the US-China War in the Pacific Could Look Like?" video.

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  40.  @Seastallion  Look at a graph of what comprises most of the US economy. Its services. AKA. Retail, insurance, ect. (and NOT manufacturing) but things that require manufactured inputs from abroad to function. This is why the US runs a trade deficit with practically every country in the world. Being a relatively small percentage of the US economy doesn't mean a massive segment of the US economy ISN'T reliant on a trade bottleneck. The things that the US does manufacture are heavily dependent on a globalised supply chain, much of which is situated in china. Consider the fact that all this flimflam about 'decoupling' with china has yeilded an INCREASE in US deficits with china goes to show how incapable the US is at actually being fully self sufficient. Fact of the matter is, without overseas supply chains the US stops functioning. Just like when the US couldnt even retool make its own facemasks at the start of covid19 for nearly a month. Lol for every flood theres a wildfire, tornado or hurricane in the US that does just as much damage. Thats part and parcel of being a continent sized country with a large population. If a seasonal flood with at most a few hundred dead is the worst you can point to. You're pretty desperate. As for living on borrowed time. China isn't the country thats stuck at 0% interest rates with no means to draw down it's spending, China isn't the country where half the people think the head of state is illegitimate and 1/3 openly wants secession. China isn't the country that can't even agree on something as simple as vaccinations and facemasks during a pandemic. If Covid has proven anything its that the US is projecting all of it's own insecurities onto china. China can manage its demographic issues because the solutions are technological. The US is screwed because all it's problems stem from a system that stopped working for 20+ years.
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