Comments by "Frostie-Flake" (@PlanetFrosty) on "Could we have avoided the Ukraine-Russia war? Should have asked Bill Clinton." video.

  1. Putin is trapped just like Xi Jinping is trapped, but not by what you propose, but by demographics. China is now, after more analysis at the point of no return. Russia, too, well past the point of no return. ONLY AN EMBRACE OF TECHNOLOGY AND GLOBAL INTEGRATION INTO CIVIL SOCIETY COULD HAVE SAVED EITHER! China’s economic disaster is all, but assured as is Russia’s though Putin tried to amass a survival economic war chest. China the same, both are pointless as they are both totally dependent on western technology for economic output. Russia’s energy will be cut in half very quickly of no use to even China. Both will face near certain economic collapse hastened by Putin’s foolishness. The NATO discussions and fears of this or that are old Soviet thinking that brought Russia into abject cycles of bust and marginal boom, but never quite there. The brain drain and capital flight start from both countries years ago. Putin lacks business and economic understanding to see embracing technology and integration into Western Democratic culture is essential. This is true for many more nations as even India, which has favorable demographics and education is driving away its brightest and wealthiest with foolish policies to US and other SE Asian countries waking up. These moves also do not bode well for Democrat polices in US and woke cultures, the return to American Western values of Freedom is growing globally in unique ways. Some far ahead of the US, others not, but India prior to Ukraine began to shoot itself in the foot as it has over and over.
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