Comments by "Jack Haveman" (@JackHaveman52) on "CDC Finally Coming Clean About COVID Deaths & Who Is Really At Risk? | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report" video.

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  3.  @perihelion7798  As an ordinary guy, it sometimes seems as if there's not a lot that I can do. However, what I feel I can do, in my small way, is to do 2 things. /First.....stay informed. That means listening to ALL the information that's offered and not the stuff I like. I can't refute something that I don't know about so it's important to know what they're thinking, saying and doing. Nothing they hate more than facts but it will sway the guy who sits in the I used to. Vote local. This may be the most important of them all. The leftist Marxists are infiltrating our municipal governments and our schools. We have to take back our cities. The biggest reason for the BLM riots is that the left is controlling big city politics and they set the policies that allowed for the conditions to blow up. It has to stop. Vote state for the same reason. There was a lot of chicanery going on in the last Federal election. We have to make the politicians feel that it's in their own best interest to ensure election integrity by voting against ANYONE that isn't firm on secure elections. Vote federal. Know who your candidates are and hold them to account. Vote Federal for the obvious reasons. The establishment hates it when the people stand up for themselves. You can see it by the reaction to the angry parents at school board meetings. Domestic terrorists...indeed. They just want them to go away so they can go on with their socialist agendas. That's what this is all about so....don't go away. The main thing is to insist that our representatives live up to the standards set by the Constitution. If they don't, let them know that they're putting their political career in real jeopardy. It seems simplistic but once the people stand up for themselves, the establishment is in real trouble...and they know it.
  4.  @perihelion7798  It might work for the indigenous but they don't carry a lot of weight as far as economics and power goes. They can still control them because they're so small. However, I doubt they're going to allow the rest of us to form our own autonomous zones. Like you've already implied, they own the military. The foot soldiers may not be aware of it but that's who's giving them their orders. They're already going through their private social media to see if they're supporting the right people and if they're not, they have dismissed some of them. It would be great if the constitutional zones worked but I'm afraid that it might be the tool that they want to finally take full power over the country. In fact, it might well what they've been working towards. That's why the school board fiasco is such a help to stop the authoritarians. Suddenly, the average person is actually running into that brick wall called the establishment. That a soccer mom could be labelled a domestic terrorist, because she doesn't like the sexually graphic material in her kid's school library, has to be opening a few eyes. This is the type of thing that will defeat them. Most people don't know the depth of what is happening to our institutions. They're busy trying to make a living and it all sounds a little crazy to them....until they run into it first hand. It won't be easy and it will frustrating but it's the best way to reverse the coarse and not destroy the country, completely. At least, that's my opinion, anyway. All I do know is that Civil war is a destroyer and the results might take decades or longer to fix....if ever.
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