Comments by "Jack Haveman" (@JackHaveman52) on "CDC Finally Coming Clean About COVID Deaths & Who Is Really At Risk? | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report" video.
It might work for the indigenous but they don't carry a lot of weight as far as economics and power goes. They can still control them because they're so small.
However, I doubt they're going to allow the rest of us to form our own autonomous zones. Like you've already implied, they own the military. The foot soldiers may not be aware of it but that's who's giving them their orders. They're already going through their private social media to see if they're supporting the right people and if they're not, they have dismissed some of them. It would be great if the constitutional zones worked but I'm afraid that it might be the tool that they want to finally take full power over the country. In fact, it might well what they've been working towards.
That's why the school board fiasco is such a help to stop the authoritarians. Suddenly, the average person is actually running into that brick wall called the establishment. That a soccer mom could be labelled a domestic terrorist, because she doesn't like the sexually graphic material in her kid's school library, has to be opening a few eyes. This is the type of thing that will defeat them. Most people don't know the depth of what is happening to our institutions. They're busy trying to make a living and it all sounds a little crazy to them....until they run into it first hand.
It won't be easy and it will frustrating but it's the best way to reverse the coarse and not destroy the country, completely. At least, that's my opinion, anyway. All I do know is that Civil war is a destroyer and the results might take decades or longer to fix....if ever.
The left got this way because of the infiltration of socialists into every facet of society, starting at the universities. This started in the 30s. The socialists, in the universities took the socialist students under their wings and slowly placed them into positions where they could indoctrinate the next generation. First it was the schools that were the priority. Then the media and local governments. After that it was into human resources departments and the bureaucrats in governments. They did it all under the radar, cultivating a mindset that would put their ideology under a positive light. They've had a huge head start.
We have to start doing the same thing except show the positives of being a free human being. Actually using science and facts, again, instead of the Orwellian science of the left. It's not going to be easy, like I said but we have to start taking part in the community, especially our schools.
I'm 70 years old and had you told me in 1975 that our own citizens would be cheering on Marxism, I would have laughed at you. That's how insidious their program is.
Assuming that the last election was honest(?), 70 million Americans voted for Trump. You'd have been lucky to get 2 million people to vote for a this version of the Democrats back in '75. We can turn it around but we have to believe in ourselves and in our system. It's not the left that will defeat us. It's us and we'd better start realising it, soon.