Comments by "C_R_O_M__________" (@C_R_O_M________) on "HOW to buy the WRONG FIRST BIKE and be OK with it - NEWBIE RIDER DIARIES #2" video.

  1. The bucket part was a favorite!!! Laughed really hard on that (and you're right). You are a sophisticated and complicated young man. You also seem like a natural contrarian to me. My kind of guy. Allow me to make a few points on the topic of first bike. I think you should focus your efforts on affording a bike you LOVE to ride which will push you to want to learn how to ride it properly. You are a very sensible person to know how much to twist the throttle so the checks and balances are in place for you, so as to not make some stupid decision of the moment and get hurt (even so, sometimes our unconscious takes over and things can get difficult - don't underestimate the unconscious). Moreover, and because we all have crashed or going to crash as newbies or even as experienced riders, try to find a bike that's crash-resistant and those are usually the enduro type, with cheap plastics and almost crash-proof design. I mean, you can throw one of these from the second floor, pick it up and ride away. Street bikes (like that Ducati or your previous bike) are the antithesis of that. Even a drop from the sidestand can cost a lot. Been there, done that. The 250 Dominator (we also call them like that here in Greece) is a good choice for a new rider but not perfect imho. I think that you'll eventually get bored of this bike. It's kind of a novice's Swiss army pocket knife that does most tasks decently but it's not the motorcycle on which you'll feel ecstatic riding it. As you get to ride more motorcycles and feel the huge differences in engine characteristics and geometry setups, you'll get to a point of preference or call it "bias", which will determine what you'll prefer riding from that point on. As your riding matures, you'll, most likely, understand better what I'm trying to convey. Until then enjoy your new bike but know that nothing is written in stone, if you get an opportunity to flip that bike for another do it.