Comments by "K. Rich" (@thekaerichtexas) on "CBS TEXAS" channel.

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  33. While I'm not a fan of chief u Renee hall, I feel the protesters are kinda just being a little ridiculous. They really don't care who it is they probably want everyone to step down. If you don't agree with everything they want, say and do they are gonna call for you to step down. But luckily they don't represent all the citizens or dallas but u know what they say....the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Its a few loud voices that are getting the attention and being heard. I would love for there to be some kind of system where citizens could vote or speak out on measures b4 they are implemented by a simple text alert. That way you can gage ALL citizens feelings about some of these things instead just the loud whiners. Make it easy and accessible so everyone can have their voice heard. No need to go to council meetings, advisory boards, take off work early or protest in large crowds. I'm sure the vast majority want solid changes but don't want government uprooted bc some ppl have hurt feelings or problems following the law and lawful orders. Why should the rest of the citizens have to deal with increased crime and lawlessness and the threat of property damage in our community every time someone gets upset or has a disagreement with police/authority/the law. As much as I'm tired of unlawful unjust police violence I'm also tired of the permitted anarchy in the streets. This needs to end. You can't burn down every establishment every time you feel slighted. Chief hall needs to work on this and make it known that it won't be tolerated.
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