Comments by "MRA" (@yassassin6425) on "Voice of America" channel.

  1. Firstly, the shuttle was a totally different programme to Apollo and did not even enter the Van Allen Belts. Secondly, the temperatures that you refer to are merely an indication of how excited molecules are in a given state. Since the thermosphere is essentially the vacuum of space there is no air temperature. As explained, temperature is essentially a measurement of how excited air molecules are. The higher the temperature, the more frenzied molecules become and the more they bounce off each other-and this interaction between particles is what creates heat. Cislunar space is virtually a vacuum. There are very few particles, and what particles are present are spaced far apart. This is why the temperature that you identify is irrelevant here. Not sure why it is necessary to explain this - it's such basic and fundamental high school physics. Regarding the radiation of the Van Allen Belts, if you have a shred of honesty, introspection and integrity, ask yourself the following questions: 1/ How much do I genuinely know about the Van Allen Belts? - their shape extent and distribution? Energies and intensity? Type of radiation? 2/ What do I actually understand by alpha and beta particle radiation and shielding against it? 3/ What have I understood about the actual structure of the Command Module and the materials that it was fashioned from? 4/ What have I learnt about the trajectories flown by each of the Apollo missions and their passage through the belts? 5/ What do I know about what James Van Allen himself have to say about the belts and the Apollo missions? 6/ What have I done to challenge my preconceptions and the claims made by online conspiracy theorists in relation to the VABs? If the answer to these questions is nothing, then obtaining the answers will prevent you from posting such ignorant questions on a public comments section with no actual prior knowledge about the subject.
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  19. "It's a shame that all world leaders are in cahoots." Are they? Tell that to Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Vladimir Putin, or Benjamin Netanyahu and Ali Khamenei. "The people with critical thinking know full well we've never been to the moon." Whilst entire scientific disciplines; physics, mathematics, geology, branches of science such as astrophysics, astronomy, related specialist fields including rocketry, aerospace engineering, orbital mechanics and petrology - in short, all comprising highly skilled expertise, knowledge and individuals substantially more informed, accomplished and clever than a random conspiracy believer on the comments section of You Tube, do not? Ok then. Incidentally, watching crap online conspiracy videos is the diametric opposite of 'critical thinking'. "I've not mentioned this before" Do you really think that you're that important or that the rational world gives two shits about your personal incredulity? You're nothing more that an insignificant self-aggrandising nobody on the comments section of a video entertainment platform afflicted by gross illusory superiority and a chronic case of Dunning Kruger syndrome. "but that moon dust must be super heavy, while the astro nots were falling around and jumping and bouncing around they kicked up dust or sand that was not affected by the lower gravitation, it fell like sand at the beach while the astro nots were 'seemingly' relatively weightless" Of course it was affected by the lunar gravitation, which is why it fell back to the surface. On the moon, the dust is just like a projectile motion. It goes up and it comes right down which is why there are no dust trails left by the lunar rover. It fell at the same rate of any other object but not necessarily at the same trajectory of the astronauts. Apollo 15's Dave Scott demonstrated that in the absence of air resistance a feather fell at the same rate as his geology hammer, as Galileo had concluded hundreds of years before - all objects released together fall at the same rate regardless of mass. This is precisely what we observe in the footage. "what is probably the funniest part of this whole thing is people still believing anyone ever went to the moon" Incorrect. What is "the funniest part of this whole thing" is people with zero knowledge about the topic gullibly consuming and regurgitating junk online conspiracy theory in the belief that they are informed and clever whilst deriding experts that are infinitely more accomplished than themselves. Stick to making your crap comedy skits son.
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  47.  @highcard3027  "I'm still curious how they got through the Van Allen Radiation Belt." They are belts since there are two, with a third that is transitory. Why are you "curious" about something that you clearly know absolutely nothing about and have only heard of by virtue of crap online conspiracy theory? How about you ask yourself the following questions? - 1/ How much do I genuinely know about the Van Allen Belts? - their shape extent and distribution? Energies and intensity? Type of radiation? 2/ What do I actually understand by alpha and beta particle radiation and shielding against it? 3/ What have I understood about the actual structure of the Command Module and the materials that it was fashioned from? 4/ What have I learnt about the trajectories flown by each of the Apollo missions and their passage through the belts? 5/ What do I know about what James Van Allen himself have to say about the belts and the Apollo missions? 6/ What have I done to challenge my preconceptions and the claims made by online conspiracy theorists in relation to the VABs? If the answer to these questions is nothing, then perhaps obtaining the answers will sate your supposed curiosity? But let's be honest here - you aren't curious at all, otherwise you would have done so yourself instead of relying upon what dumb online conspiracy theory tells you to think. "Then there is Buzz, and Armstrongs comments." What comments? Can I suggest that you contextualise them instead of consuming online quote mined nonsense like a gullible moron? Incidentally, you mean "there are" not "there is" and 'Armstrong's needed apostrophising as such. "2 died from "Accidents" after criticizing NASA" No, wrong again. The Apollo 1 crew (Grissom, White and Chaffee), perished in a ground test due to the 100% oxygen rich atmosphere being ignited by a stray spark and the new capsule being full of flammables and an internal opening hatch which they were unable to escape through due to the cabin pressure. Hundreds of employees criticised the programme, Grissom was not alone - and many were far more vocal that he was. Indeed, a major redesign of the spacecraft was already in progress and NASA’s post-accident report stated openly that “deficiencies in design, manufacture, installation, rework and quality control existed in the electrical wiring... No design features for fire protection were incorporated... Non-certified equipment items were installed in the Command Module at time of test.” "In Hebrew, Nasa means To Decieve" No it doesn't. The Hebrew letter shin ש (the "s" in nasa) represents two different phonemes: 's' and 'sh' . The two are distinguished by a dot above the left-hand side of the letter for 's' (rendering the letter as "sin") and above the right-hand side for 'sh' (rendering the letter as "shin"). The letter shin has a dot on the right side indicating that the letter is pronounced "sh" and therefore rendering the word "nasha", not "nasa." Therefore, it is "nä·shä'. The letter s in nasa (dot above the left side of the letter) is pronounced like the s in side and means to "lift up". There is a rare verb in the Bible - “השׁיא” which means to deceive, but it’s pronounced HEY-SHEE. The verb ”נשׁא” as it appears in the dictionary does not appear even once in the Bible, and anyway as explained, it is pronounced NASHAA. It is completely not in use in modern Hebrew, and it is so rare that 99% of Hebrew speakers won’t even this verb exists. Incidentally - it's 'deceive' not 'decieve'. "Do your Own Digging. Or,,,Just believe the MSM Fake News lol" Because the dumb online conspiracy horseshit that you have just moronically and naively parroted is entirely and unfailingly honest, unwaveringly accurate and consistent, not in the least bit intentionally deceptive, misleading, fallacious, exploitative, opportunistic monetised or manipulative and with your best interests at heart is entirely free of vested interest and agenda? Righto then. Clever lad!
  48. "What about that moon rock given to holland and turnes out to be wood" What about it? The supposed rock was a private gift to former prime minister Willem Drees Jr in 1969. Drees had been out of office for 11 years, but was considered an elder statesman. When Drees died in 1988, the 'rock' was donated by his family to the Rijksmuseum without verification, and having been briefly exhibited was kept in storage for two decades until it was later discovered to the curator's great embarrassment to have been petrified wood. It had nothing to do with NASA or the US government. The Goodwill rocks given by NASA to the Dutch government are accounted for in other Dutch museums throughout the Netherlands and encased in Lucite as were all moon rocks officially distributed around the world as gifts. You could have established this for yourself but I guess it's easier to parrot the same old dumb conspiracy theory off junk social media. "no crater off jet engines" Jet engines? On the moon? Is this actually serious? The rocket descent engine on the Lunar Module was throttleable and was only producing around 2,700lbs of thrust at the point of touchdown. This was sufficient to pick up dust and blast it laterally, but the surface of the moon is solid rock beneath. The nozzle had a diameter of 59 inches which meant that equates to 11 psi chamber pressure and having an area of 2,700 square inches even at full power, the pressure of gas leaving the engine bell was only 0.037 PSI. Moreover, if you do want to mention jet engines, in comparison the 24,000 lb thrust of a Harrier jump-jet, does not make a crater when it lands - even on grass! "no stars" There are no stars visible in the footage and photographs on the surface of the moon due to aperture and exposure settings and the fact that it was the lunar daytime. "astronauts on wires jumping to there feet from face down position" Nope - wrong again. Propelling themselves upwards in 1/6th gravity. Incidentally, you needed to employ the determiner their as opposed to the adverb, there. "in all the missions not one astronaut thought to take a picture of earth not one" Another demonstrable falsehood. There are multiple images of the Earth captured in the Apollo footage and film, from cislunar space, lunar orbit and the surface of the moon. "all photos of space are cgi nasa admits" CGI in the 1950s, 60s and 70s? Why are you lying? NASA have 'admitted not such thing. They use composites and colour enhancement which is completely different. "it goes on and on" No, let me help you here. What goes on and on are imbecilic gullible conspiracy believers simply because you fools are ignored in the real world whilst the internet gives you a platform to air your lack of education, ill-informed stupidity and scientific illiteracy. Mate, you are absolutely clueless. If you think that your naively consumed and regurgitated conspiracy theory about subjects that you demonstrably know nothing whatsoever about makes you sound informed and clever, you need to understand that all you are accomplishing is your own humiliation. It may make you feel relevant and special but since you can barely compose a coherent cogent sentence, I suggest that you have more pressing concerns to attend to.
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