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The Duran
Comments by "SelectCircle" (@SelectCircle) on "The Duran" channel.
This EU army would be used to quell civil unrest. They'll say it's to fight Trump and Putin - only then to fight their own nationalists.
Because we were propping up each one's corrupt socialist joke of a hog-tied and ham-strung market all along.
But our money is a commodity. Turkey's money is like everyone else's - dubious.
Tough sons of guns. No one flinched but the woman. Maduro had only dismay in his eyes: Who would betray me?
+Shan It was even MORE simplistic. The goal was to LIE Christianity out of existence and set up Satanists with all power. PER HIS OWN WORDS. Plus - never to bathe.
EU Army - 33% female - 33% gay - 33% Muslim ... 100% nothing to worry about. : )
The Left only moves forward. No reverse. So they'll stand firm and patiently wait out this populist uprising. They'll play it cool for as long as they possibly can. But failing that - they'll crack down HARD. And Europe will become Venezuela.
Love it! : D If that's original - you are brilliant. : D
Yay. Trump. Whatever he does. Yay.
Israel is less than a tiny speck on the world map. Enough said. Ever.
+mrs k. Neo-lib is a new term to me. Did you invent it? Neo-cons are just the next generation of old-school country-club Republicans. As for liberals - they are absolutely all the same - except for minor differences in regard to how much beholden they are to Wall Street - as between Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez. There might be ONE significant difference among them - whether they're postmodern or post-theory. But that's for professors to argue over. Among the rank-and-file - both of those philosophical distinctions are thrown into the mix ... for the usual witches' brew of evil bullshit.
But it's lasted a lot longer than I ever expected! Everything liberals set up quickly turns into a fiasco - but this one has had some unusual staying power. o_O
+Dave Russia couldn't get beyond Lithuania without going nuclear. Their army is as much a joke as their economy. And I only WISH Trump had sense enough to know that EUROPE is the enemy now - but he doesn't know what's going on in the world at all. "I'm both a globalist and a nationalist."
China sends soldiers from one province to put down revolts in another province. That's what an EU army would do - troops from France sent to oppress Swedish nationalists and patrol their neighborhoods.
+Gimme I'll be gentle with you. The Left is very distinct. And they're proud of it. The Right is very distinct. And we're proud of it. Together we formed a Republic - which entails compromise. And that's where casual observers - or in your case extremely casual observers - people who find politics so boring that they can't be bothered to learn the basics - become confused.
You're as confused as it gets. Is there even any hope of grounding you in the political basics?
If that's yours - then you should trademark it and put it on t-shirts! O_O
Q is a GOP string-along operation - like Arpaio was. Except that it's an unprofessional mess - and giving up on stringing-along intelligent patriots. So the operators are aiming now at the disaffected - truthers and Nazis.
That face reader must be a Nazi. It's either Farrage or some psycho with a toothbrush mustache. Don't trust any anti-establishment type who criticizes Farrage. That's very suspicious.
Not even Obama could make a bigger mess of Turkey. Remember when that now hapless backward country was modernizing and Westernizing?
+Tim Our currency is based on human initiative. It's the greatest invention ever. Smart people get the idea.
They know nothing - except how to be self-righteous.
YT counts deleted comments.
This army would be used to quell internal unrest.
+Sum Didn't know that! Obama floated a similar idea.
PFFFFT. HIs woke generals will say no and he won't have the guts to fire them.
+Everywhere In all seriousness - I've watched a smart kid - a promising young man named Dustin Nemos - know him? - turn into a raving lunatic - digging in his heels about Q. So you can keep that junk. It causes mental illness.
Trump ALLOWED his enemies to investigate him. - How DUMB is that? He ran on DRAINING THE SWAMP - not LETTING it INVESTIGATE him!
I was just about to thumb your comment up ... until that last part. : D
+Todd What the fuck are you talking about? No one's defended America since the French lifted a dainty finger in 1778.
+Terry Ha! True. These Nazis are all displaced Democrats - with still a lot of childish Democrat in them. 8 P
+Terry Can you believe these anti-Israel morons? They hate successful people automatically - because they're all such a pack of losers.
Tiananmen Square - come to Europe.
You're onto something there - as Trump is no conservative at all but just an old-fashioned Truman/Kennedy Democrat.
Like nobody else wants to control the Middle East - like not Turkey or Iran - which only an idiot would prefer? There's only one worthwhile country in the whole Middle East - and that's Israel. If only she were in control.
+ikm64 It didn't work because the media was against it. Try throwing a rock at one of these new EU soldiers. You'll be portrayed on the news as no hero!
Everything's personal with women. Look how vindictive Hillary is.
While Putin makes fools of Russians.
Hillary runs the Deep State.
You actually want that crazy mob boss Putin to win? He teaches schoolkids to hate America and threatens us with nukes. Is that your boy? 8 D
Ha! Trump's set to do nothing - once again. 8 /
If Israeli patriots don't like it - then it's never a good idea for anyone. It's them or the Muslims and Chi-coms. That's your choice - a one-question real-world IQ test. Unsubbed.
Rule of law - the biggest factor of all. Wherever an economy is floundering - there's foreign capital fleeing corrupt officials.
+TuAFFalcon Poverty in America means you're not driving a Lexus - yet. Otherwise - it means a fridge full of food in a place with air conditioning and modern plumbing.
+Barbara I'm thinking of the ghettos. This tent thing is a white SUBURBAN phenomenon - and mostly it's a lifestyle CHOICE. Some people just don't want to pay high rent - or move to where the rent's cheaper.
It's easy. Nationalists want to maintain the integrity of the nation - uphold our borders / language / culture. And until RECENTLY - the Left AGREED that this is an entirely REASONABLE position. But now they want to KILL the nation as we know it. They've gone too far. And so up pop the fascists - who are neither Left nor Right but just idiots and pyschos and until now DISENGAGED from politics. They want to KILL foreigners - for the FUN of it - not just regulate their influx and urge them to assimilate. And again - the Left is pushing things STILL too far - beating the Nationalists still WAY too much - defaming us now by saying WE are ONE with the Nazis - when the Nazis hate us as much as they hate everyone else and themselves! Nationalists are NOT screwing up - in any way. We're the only ones with any sense. The Left has turned very evil - and Nazis - the usual politically-displaced low-IQ losers with fantasies of murder and chaos - and who in that regard have much more in common with the Left than with the Right - are taking full advantage of the resulting FEAR and CHAOS.
Fascism is its own thing entirely - and it gloms on to Nationalism - ruining the concept of Nationalism altogether. That's why I - as a Nationalist - make a point of attacking Nazis when I see them in the comments. Fascists only pretend to care about the nation. But really they care only about themselves and their own bizarre psychotic notions. They're scum. When Marxists FAIL to take care NOT to beat the Nationalists too much - then Fascists pop up out of the murky and otherwise disengaged center - portraying themselves as saviors of the nation. Look at what has just happened in Britain. Farrage is the leader of the Nationalists. But he failed to beat the Marxists on this Brexit matter. So now Fascists have popped up to take over his party - UKIP - forcing him out. Where he goes now - I don't now. There's no dog for Nationalists to root for in a fight between Marxists and Fascists. They're both psychotic scumbags.
O my God - PLEASE tell me Trump has enough brains to dismantle NATO. PLEASE tell me! - because otherwise I don't believe it.
+Colin Step One in deal-making: - Know what game you're playing. By his own admission - Trump doesn't know politics. Putin figured Trump got it: - NATO is globalist. He and Trump are nationalists. Dismantle NATO and forge new ties with Russia. Nope. Trump bowed down to NATO the moment he got sworn in - and left Putin twisting in the wind. Don't tell me that's a 4-D chess move. That's pure ignorance and stupidity.
+Colin We conservatives love you displaced Democrats who think you call the shots now in the GOP. You'll be gone when Trump leaves - and you'll have impressed absolutely NO ONE ... but of course yourselves. : )