Comments by "Ameni0" (@Layde36) on "Why Nicaragua cut ties with US and EU (sub español) - TRT World interviews Ben Norton" video.

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  6. @Meme Memeson Ben Nortons talkpoints are too repetitive with him constantly mentioning the past and not the current affairs that Nicaragua is facing, which is what exactly the West wants the populace to focus on, if you watch that full interview that person Manuel makes some good talking points about censorship and even if he aligns with western interests like many corporate lobbyists do he does make valid arguments as Nicaragua even if it carries out censorship against western hegemony still will be seen as a dictatorship regardless of intentions, censorship is still seen as a negative aspect and will have more people especially the youth being curious about the flaws that westerners keep claiming and will eventually believe it which is what the west wants, the west's disinformation campaigns work on human psychology and how people think on groups and individualistic ways and the west is perfectly targeting various aspects of the flaws that Nicaragua has been doing and trying to plunge the country into chaos in this manner of trying to agitate responses in a way to demonise the country, similar tactics is how the west did with Russia constantly provoking it's influence on Russian borders in Ukraine and Russia eventually snaps and the west got the exact response to demonise Russia once and for all, it's doing the same thing here nothing new and unless countries stop continuing to fall into these traps and see through the manipulation, the west will have better influence over the world especially with its populace who can't think about their flaws and aren't vocal enough to address any of the problems
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  10. Well Ben Norton talking points were too repetitive with him continuously mentioning the coups carried by the US which westerners probably do not care about and the way that western propagandists work is by targeting convenient information selectively, they keep focusing on the current affairs of Nicaragua and how the President is carrying out censorship of other opposition parties on the state and to be fair it's working for those elites as people in modern times will focus on their current situation instead of the past, and what the President is doing even if for good intentions as to avoid western intervention among the masses will still be seen as a dictatorship trying to censor others even if those are evil, the point is the interview in the eyes of the average person will be seen as Nicaragua as a dictatorship which is censoring all controversial figures and the act itself is what the west is focusing and demonising the president for and trying to have the world against them, that person Manuel who was on the debate clearly never mentions any of the past history and focuses on the present which is a perfect way of manipulation for the masses who could care less about the past and focus on current affairs and the people watching the interview will rather not care about the west's wrongdoings and will focus on Nicaragua's issue with tackling western disinformation, the west's way of disinformation campaigns they carry on foreign soil is seen and they often will use manipulation tactics like these to try to make the opposition as evil as possible while trying to preach their culture, it's seen throughout history with how Europeans had convinced the indigenous people of better lifestyle that what they were getting from their tribes only for the colonizers to betray the populace who were helping them destroy each other, these are wartime tactics which are obviously manipulative and works well especially among the average public which has zero understanding of their country and are extremely individualistic which the west has created this culture around the world. Even if being selfish is positive sometimes doesn't mean abandoning your own kin which is what western culture is famous for, the way that Nicaragua is carrying out censorship is something that people will find relation with their own country and will now find a reason to demonise Nicaragua even if they can't see the fact how their western disinformation campaigns work, the interview on a pragmatic standpoint will not support Norton's viewpoints as they only focus on the past issues and not current ones which we aren't getting a full picture off, Nicaragua's approach towards this is surely getting them demonized by westerners and unless they allow opposition parties around like how the US does but have better control as to allow freedom of speech even if disinformation will at least put Nicaragua in a good light as they wouldn't be stooping down low as the US proxies and opposition parties do, hopefully they stop the censorship as people need to get all viewpoints for them to decide which one is right and why the west's ways are clearly dooming then, the point is people should get all viewpoints even if controversial and then decide what is the better way for Nicaragua to progress which doesn't involve war or chaos and economic prosperity and social development
  11.  @ernestkhalimov1007  that's the issue with what those who support capitalism claim to be, people have that idea they don't want to be controlled and they surely want things which they have full ownership off maybe out of sense of this belief of control that they want, the point is people in the US already are disillusioned with their governments which they can't seem to understand is controlled by mega corporations especially when they can make larger decisions approved by a single person compared to multiple people who have to make that decision like how a actual government is supposed to be, China and Nicaragua follow the same doctrine as to censor other negative influences in their media but end up only causing problems like people who would want to try gain information from the uncensored news either out of curiosity as to why it was censored or maybe finding a flaw in their own country, China's current system is controversial regardless and people in the US argue whether things should be in control or not but with how the US itself tried to censor various of its doings in the past it is understandable why they will have a specific hatred for such a system, with a big system like China chaos is inevitable sadly as there are hundreds of not thousands of things happening at the same time and consideration of the fact that there are billions of people in poorer nations who would want to live the same lavish lifestyle as the US it will cause problems and differences in the nation itself
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