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The Young Turks
Comments by "genie0390" (@genie0390) on "Elizabeth Warren Told To Sit Down" video.
Warren claims to have Native ancestry, did so to win a job at Harvard. There has been much debate on the truth of that claim which would heat up if she gets any further traction with the Dems as a potential candidate. Wonder why she doesn't take a DNA test to give her ancestry in detail, no dispute, unless she's a liar
1tishhead BS says it all! Dems can't argue using facts and reasoning so they always resort to playing that racist, bigot cards or are you so indoctrinated that you can't see that? Most Americans are beginning to see through this crap
1tishhead the issue involves lying
1tishhead determining ancestry through DNA is NOW the common practice, she should use it to shame all her critics
1tishhead the GOP will make lying significant
1tishhead why did she raise the issue to begin with? w/r to supposed lying, having an opposing view on ideology is NOT lying, it's opinion
1tishhead lying, like Obama with his "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor", or "the IRS is not going after conservatives", like that?
1tishhead never the less she can debunk certain attacks on her ancestry story by the DNA procedure, so why doesn't she do this and offer it up to her critics, that would silence them give her credibility
1tishhead Trump beat Hillary a former Secretary of State with her massive Dem machine backing her and here you are diminishing him. The large protests are organized by the sore loser Dems. Just look at how Obama destroyed the Dem Party and he has all this wonderful high ratings so who cares about ratings. The Europeans are also starting to awaken to all their liberal leaders screwing them for decades
1tishhead you're delusional. The GOP didn't filibuster Obama's SCOTUS nominee, gave him all his Cabinet swiftly as he was entitled to. As for Senate obstruction, it was Harry Reid that proclaimed every thing coming out of the GOP House was "dead on arrival" on the Senate floor, so who were the ones obstructing? The GOP didn't involve itself with daily marches, protests against Obama as well they perhaps should have.
1tishhead you're wrong again! w/r to SCOTUS nominee for over 80 years past, no SCOTUS nominee has been confirmed during an election year. Senator Shumer during the last 16 mos of GW Bush's term held that he should leave the appointment to the people/next president. Can't have your cake and eat it too. What all this proves is that all the claims of Justices being unbiased/apolitical is plain BS. w/r to gridlock it all comes down to the fact that America is becoming extremely divided. You progressives with all the name calling, marches, rioting, destruction of property is leading the Country to a very dark place with civil unrest possibly leading to revolution
1tishhead no violence???Like I said, you're delusional and it now turns out your blind and deaf as well .BTW, the early President may have had final year Justices approved but that was before abortions divided our Country. The fact that each Party battles so hard to appoint Judges proves they are not without bias. Glad to see that myth spread by our countless lawyers blown out of the water
1tishhead wrong, the Senate decides who wins a SCOTUS seat.. As Obama said, elections have consequences. You liberals blew your chances pushing perverted social issues ahead of national security and prosperity. Live with it
1tishhead you are so indoctrinated, just can't reason with you. Petraeus paid a heavy price, Hillary did far worse and guys like you still voted for her. Nonsense
Warren clearly broke a Senate rule. She being a Harvard Professor should know better, have more respect. Can you just see this halfwit being President having to take on Putin and Iran, not to mention the Chinese? Americans supporting this lying twit must be either very stupid or desperate, or both!
1tishhead the rule applies to Senators speaking on confirmation debates especially
1tishhead yes it does
1tishhead I guess you know more about Senate rules than the GOP majority leader
1tishhead yup, Rule 19 does not exist
1tishhead what was incorrect? I said Warren broke rule 19, which she did and got told to sit down. So what's your problem?
1tishhead hypocrisy is not quite the same thing as trying to disqualify an appointee for a Cabinet position. One hurts feelings, the other breach of conduct hurts a career and reputation. You have no common sense
1tishhead bullshit
1tishhead Nonsense, Trump has every right to deny entry to anyone he sees as a potential threat, that's by Congressional passed Statute. The idea that some dinky lawyers who don't have the classified information he has can over ride his decision is plain rogue politics. The lawyer that argued by phone with the 9th CIRCUS Judges was second stringer, no doubt. Trump has the absolute power to set national defense policy, every president does!
1tishhead you're so wrong here I don't know where to begin. Trump wasn't even in the WH when every one seems to demand he stand up to Putin. BS! Trump runs foreign policy, not critics or reporters. FDR worked with Stalin who murdered tens of millions of his own people. Two super powers with nukes don't need name calling and confrontation. BTW, Putin made a mockery out of Obama so what wouldd he do with a crazy weakling woman like Warren?
1tishhead sadly, your comment spells out very well what's wrong with America. Warren is a lot tougher than Trump, a world class executive who ran a business empire, yea right!
1tishhead you are not qualified to judge Trump's business record. He bungled the EO re refugees because you liberal wingnuts are slow walking his Cabinet, he was forced to use a second stringer at the Obama DOJ. Stop spinning the truth
1tishhead I'm glad you have the inside track into the WH and Trump himself and can monitor his conversations, neat trick
1tishhead BS in the extreme! Trump was elected because the blue States got tired of the Obama policies and demanded a change. Spin all you want, social issues, straw man arguments, petty issues which liberals are so fond of don't rise to main issue of national security and economic prosperity. Being liberal that will be difficult for you to swallow. btw, you recall a liberal IRS employee taking the 5th because of her actions against conservatives?