Comments by "robs2020" (@sbor2020) on "'I think net zero is a madness. It's deranged if you really want my opinion.' | Ruth Lea" video.
@christinaedwards5084 You are clearly stuck with the obstacles to renewable energy sources of energy: a cloudy day!! First of all, the price of electricity from renewables is now falling below the running costs of old coal-fired or nuclear power stations.
If there was a concerted effort to shift from old types of power generation to consider future development of carbon neutral forms of energy production that harness nature, such as the sun. One such as fusion that uses hydrogen.
Facilities that can harness nuclear fusion should provide a cheap source of carbon-free energy from abundant fuel sources, substantially derived from water. Crucially, fusion would generate a constant, steady stream of electricity, filling in the gaps during the hours, days, or even weeks when solar and wind sources flag. In doing so, it would simplify the path to zero-emissions electricity, eliminating the need for energy storage breakthroughs, exorbitant banks of batteries, or continued reliance on coal and natural-gas plants to keep the lights on and companies humming .
Source: MIT Technology Review
@christinaedwards5084 Isn't the idea to create a cleaner, energy efficient sources? I live in the EU, and there is commitment to design appropriate green taxes that can raise much-needed revenue and remove fossil-fuel subsidies, while making sure that it is those who pollute or waste the most that bear the consequences of their actions. There are countries such as Denmark that are making great advances on this issue in terms of lowering emissions and a carbon tax on polluters (Latvia contributes over 11 percent of taxation from Green tax; UK, 7 percent). Now that the UK is out of the EU, it is “free” to deregulate, pollute and dump waste.
From a wider context, isn't the problem that where there is no profit there is no production? From the point of view of satisfying the needs of human beings, capitalism is a quite irrational system. Within this society, houses are not built primarily to be lived in, or indeed energy is not generated merely to warm our homes. Everything is produced for sale, not for use. The aim of production, far from being the natural one of producing useful things to satisfy human needs, is to maximise profits.