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Comments by "1IbramGaunt" (@1IbramGaunt) on "Last Stand of the Revenge - Against the Odds" video.
And what do the Spanish say about US I wonder? we have every right to be proud of our history and our heritage and are obviously going to talk about the best bits the most and the worst bits the least, I'm sure you guys don't exactly talk about what we call the Spanish Armada, or Trafalgar for that matter with much pride, but are a lot more pleased to talk about this Glorioso ship if asked
@majalca03 ah but the Spanish would NEVER distort the truth or exaggerate things in their OWN accounts of those days! I don't think you should rely on what the video alone says, no, but I DO think you should listen to both sides on something then try to get more of a balanced perspective, I'm trying to do that myself despite my natural desire to side with my own people on everything so you damn well can too. I'm perfectly willing to accept that the Spanish beat the English in naval battles over the years plenty of times, hell if there was enough verified evidence and sources of it from both sides I'd accept we lost EVERY battle we fought with them, but that's just it, from BOTH sides, and I will accept we lost battles including that one if YOU accept the English beat you guys their share of times too and were perfectly capable of doing so if everything was going their way. Fair? If not well sorry but I'm not backing down here and maybe you shouldn't watch these videos then as they're clearly not intended for anyone with such an inflexible point of view
@majalca03 (A) a lot of that stuff is frankly kinda questionable in it's veracity and either way it doesn't disprove what I was trying to say, and (B) I was saying 'us' with emphasis as in the English/British (I thought the fact I was English was self-explanatory), the actual word 'us', not 'U.S.' as in the United States, I never mentioned them either
@majalca03 as for that so-called 'victory' over the Counter-Armada were you even actually watching the video?
@majalca03 oh I'M being the childish one here?! Ok, see if this sounds like something a petulant child with such a one-sided view would say, mister oh-so-logical and sensible student of history- I give up, I'M 'conceding the argument' as you put it, no more attempts at compromises as I'm frankly sick of talking to a brick wall. If you are this unwilling to change your opinion on something there is clearly no point wasting time and effort to make you see things differently. As for what you can and can't watch I can't exactly actually prevent you watching anything anyway can I, was just a suggestion in light of the fact you clearly have such a massive anti-English bias, presumably an anti-British one overall in fact and that since the man making these fantastic, well-researched videos is of English descent you're clearly never going to be able to watch them without dredging up some negative political context for yourself meaning you'll never be able to enjoy them properly. Agh well, nice talking to you anyway and good taste in books by the way! Have a nice day
@majalca03 not exactly a reasoned, intelligent argument to what I was saying there mate, maybe invest in a fucking mirror sometime you hypocritical left-leaning parasite
@arpitakodagu9854 thanks for the likes and support but don't bother trying mate, he's clearly completely unwilling to accept any point of view that contradicts his own