Comments by "1IbramGaunt" (@1IbramGaunt) on "" video.
@kristianxoto helicopters can drop torpedoes and fire guns, rockets and missiles and if they were that useless in combat every major power wouldn't have been using them continually since World War 2, Apache ring a bell. And the ship IS ready, we have 18 F35's so far not 8, 5 of them on the ship right now and more on the way, the pilots are either in training with the Americans or ready as well, the USMC already HAS plenty of planes and pilots completely ready to go to make up the numbers until we have enough of our own, and as for her 'weapons' she also has something called ESCORTS i.e. completely ready-to-go-already-for-carrier-groups destroyers, frigates and nuclear submarines, some of the best in the world, and plenty of patrol, support, minesweeper and amphibious assault vessels. What part of all that is "not even close to operational", yeah so she doesn't have 40 jets all in British markings with all British pilots lined up in neat rows on her deck and hasn't been officially declared to be fully operational yet, big deal
@kristianxoto as for 'hypersonic' or 'supersonic' missiles (A) well we DO have supersonic ones, and as for (B) the so-called 'hypersonic' sort guess the whole of NATO would be 'toast' too then lol as no-one except Russia and China, according TO Russia and China, actually has apparently successfully developed that so far, which given the technological and budgetary gap between them and NATO in every other department is pretty impressive. You'll excuse me if I don't take their word for it. Oh and (C), the faster you make a missile the harder it is to control or guide if your target isn't prepared to just sit there and take it, and there IS such a thing as countermeasures, i.e. flares and so on, along with C-WIS guns and variations on them, the new 'Sea-Ceptor' defensive missile, and of course the new laser defence technology being developed, including the British 'Dragonfire' system- I don't care how fast you make a missile it's not getting past one of THOSE