Comments by "" (@francescostello1377) on "Pathologist Consultant Claire Craig gives her opinion of the Government's plan B restrictions" video.
Dr Clare, and many others are totally ignored by government and MSM which in itself speaks volumes. Enough talk, the time for talking is long gone we've had nearly two years of it to no avail.
If people can't see by now, that this is the biggest psychological con in history, given the real stats, the real data, they deserve everything they get. People need to wake up do your own research, theirs a world of info out there, and stop waiting for tit bits from any news channel. This sinister global agenda will not stop until we stop it. The whole of Europe are out in their millions, even Switzerland, watch Resistance GB for all the updates. Russell brand brilliant pod casts, Ivor Cummins, with real experts, Dr's, Epidemiologists scientists.
Australia already have camps!!!! The situation there is dire, Don't think for one minute that this won't come to the UK.