Comments by "" (@francescostello1377) on "'Braverman is REFRESHING': 'Call a spade a spade' on Palestine protests | Michael Fabricant" video.
Really, have a day off Mark, stop sucking up to put Zionist establishment, she's a Neo Liberal WEF Globalists, a Zionist, a self serving, career politicians with no integrity or conviction whatsoever, they all are, and most certainly do not serve the Sovereign people of Britain or our country, never have, it's time to clear our swamp, and she has far to many serious conflicts of interests. Might want to do some real journalism GB, typical shills. It's our democractic right to protest, and no government, our public servants, or our public servants the police, have the remit to grant or deny anything in a democracy,. It was the British, the Balfour Declaration for the Rothschild in 1948 that started this Israeli occupation of Palestine for 75 years, their apartheid regime, forcing them to live in a cage, an outdoor prison, their genocide of the Palestinian people during those years and now. Where's the outrage about Gaza the genocide, slaughter, an Israeli war against civilians, and children, war crimes, against international law the UN Charter, the Geneva convention Amnesty international, watch Aljazeera to see the live slaughter, that the whole world is condemning, except the UK, a vassal state of the US, the US collective west that says it all