Comments by "" (@francescostello1377) on "These people here are absolutely determined to fight | Tory MP in Ukraine on Farage" video.
Dear God, what a great distraction, don't be fooled people, Russia, who knew? there's me thinking it would be another bloody varient. Media in full BS mode again. So, No covid, no stats and data, no Whitty Valance, Furguson. 2 years of living in totalitarian fascist Dystopia, destroying everything, killing millions, with the vaccine agenda still ongoing, now they want to jab our youth and 5 year olds. Facist Boris tearing up our Human rights Bill as we speak, continuing to hold the emergency covid power in place, it's him and this shower that have blood on their hands, and they who are the Dictatorship, there silence over Trudeau is deafening.
Boris needs to get useless his WEF, Davos backside back in Parliament and sort of the devestation, he, this goon cabinet and parliament have caused, and now prepare for a trial in the Hague, for crimes against hunanity and genocide. The NWO, WEF, Davos, Sun Valley globalist brigade sinister global agenda is still on track,. War is big money, just ask the US UK who are selling Ukraine arms to kill their people. Yes it is not just Saudi!!! Another WMD moment, and we all know how that disaster turned out. Ukraine has been at war for 8 long terrible years, killing 150,000 and injuring thousands. Kiev is constantly bombing the Donbass region, treating 4 million people as non existent. 100,000 people are fleeing to Russia in fear of their lives..