Comments by "" (@francescostello1377) on "Palestine marches should have been postponed to pay respect to fallen heroes - Iain Duncan Smith" video.
Really our corporate owned established media shills still pushing their master narrative, and IDS, who cares what that old Neo Liberal Zionist, WEF Globalist thinks, feigning respect with all the other hypocrites in Government, Parliament. Armistice day is not Remembrance Sunday, and when it falls in a working week, most businesses ignore it. These protests were global, millions of right minded, empathic people, from every religion, race, young and old, Inc the Jewish communities, against the Israeli genocide in Gaza, and this war didn't start in October 2023 fgs It's quite obvious due to our corporate owned media, lack of real journalism, reporting of the actual facts, that most people have no knowledge of the Israeli occupation of Palestine for 75 years, since 1948, the British Balfour Declaration for the Rothschild, their apartheid regime, forcing them to live in a cage, an outdoor prison in their own land, their genocide of the Palestinian people during those years and now. Watch alternative media, with real independent journalism, George Galloway Moats and knowledgeable guests, Norman Finkelstein, Max Blumenthal, Dan Cohen and Jackson Hinkle, the Duran with Alex Christoforou and Alexander Macouris, Brian Berletic, Scott Ritter and Garland Nixon.
Really, Hate? what a load of nonsense, millions of right minded, emphatic people worldwide from every religion, race, young and old, Inc the Jewish communities in, against the slaughter, the genocide of the Palestinian in Gaza I take it your OK that. Watch alternative media with real independent journalism, you might actually learn something, or Aljazeera, to see the horror for yourself. You obviously know nothing about the Israeli occupation of Palestine for 75 years, since 1948, the UK Balfour Declaration, their apartheid regime, forcing them to live in a cage, an outdoor, their genocide of the Palestinian people during those years and now.