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Myles Platt
The Rubin Report
Comments by "Myles Platt" (@melsop54) on "The Rubin Report" channel.
What Sunny is arguing is this "You are perfectly free to your own personal views, but those view BETTER not influence your vote." Problem is...if you don't vote in favor of your personal may as well not have them. It wouldn't make sense, if you are pro abortion, to vote against it right? Sonny would be called insane if she said the exact opposite of what she is saying here. "Even if you are pro choice, you must vote to end abortion." So why is it considered normal to demand people who don't agree with you to ignore their own ideas and vote along with you? Because "Democracy" in their eyes is not a fair vote. "Democracy" is synonymous with "Democrats" for them. If DEMOCRATS don't rule, DEMOCRACY is in peril. Funny enough, that makes the US a one party system ultimately, and not a Democracy.
Doesn't matter who moves where. If they carry their vote with them, the problem remains. Part of me wonders if the goal was to purposely drive folks out of Cali, KNOWING most would go to Texas...with their votes...and force Texas to turn.
I can not fathom making my ENTIRE existence one of endless protest over one thing or another. That has to be EXHAUSTING and it HAS to take a toll on your mental health...OBVIOUSLY hahahahah
"just a thing that some bodies do..." What do all those bodies have in common though? It's not just a random selection of bodies that happen to menstruate. If ALL people with brown hair had another biological marker in common...we would not say "It's just something that some bodies do!" We would, in a sane world say "After numerous studies, it has been determined that brown haired people have this biological marker by default." Likewise...FEMALES menstruate. Not men. Not non binary people, not clowns, not trans disabled people. Females. And not just any females. Sexually maturing/mature females. Females we have always for all of history said were women.
I mean we could assume she bought th3 vodka for the video, but its plenty safer to assume she lives with a full bottle of vodka on hand at all times. Which means something.
There are two options: Either they ARE blind to it, or they know the effects and want the effects.
So they kept the title and attached it to an entirely new and different story that has zero to do with the original. They made 101 Dalmations a story about a group of house cats that fight off a pack of dogs and establish their own land. Another words, it's NOT Snow White. It's not anything resembling the former in any way. It's the equivalent of calling myself Shaquille O'Neil.
Adult human female. That is the biological answer. Plain and simple. No controversy other than what people intentionally twist it into.
For those that didn't want to do the math...that is saying the name Trump, on average, once EVERY FIVE MINUTES...for NINE HOURS STRAIGHT! Meaning he was effectively a part of EVERY segment for the entire day.
Thinking of the future of these kids...I truly shutter to imagine 10-15 years from now when we are faced with millions and millions of young adults who have been forever stripped of their ability to have children or even simply enjoy a sexual experience with their significant other because of the garbage previous adults in their lives shoved on to their young, underdeveloped, ignorant shoulders.
Still waiting for someone to explain to me how two adult dudes having the ability to get married is now tied directly to state employees having sexually motivated secret conversations with children who still wear pull-ups to bed.
And I REALLY hope Gutfeld is a sign to all the others that being exactly like everyone else and saying the exact same lines as everyone else is no longer cool or edgy. It's creepy and wierd.
It will happen lol! Imagine you have spent, in Maher's shoes, 30-40 years having one single set of thoughts, supporting one single party, and spending all that time believing and telling others the other side is horrible, racist, bigoted, and evil...and then having to, in a short amount of time, acknowledge that the party you have always aligned with has gone completely insane and you can no longer identify with it....AND acknowledge that the side you have spent your whole life now making more sense than your side. It's almost like a Jim Jones cultist acknowledging they were in a cult. It's not an easy thing when you've been in it for so long. It's a hard thing. At SOME point...the sane person that is clearly behind the character of Bill Maher will come to terms with this. That point is increasingly closer by the day.
She nailed it. When you are faced with a number of at home real world problems like not being able to feed your are NOT gonna be persuaded to accept your baby continuing to go hungry because of January 6th. You just aren't.
Democrats .02 seconds after EVERY mass shooting: "YOU MUST GIVE US ALL YOUR GUNS FOR YOUR OWN SAFETY!!!"
You aint lyin. Nothing about this was funny. Everything about it screamed "drink the "kook-aid".
DC, the place you have been told you MUST leave your home with ID and papers going forward, lest you be stopped by the policia for your vax telling you that Virginia is a radical place...
Look, these are every day guys. Not highly political guys. Not die hard supporters of one side or the other...and they see it. There are millions just like them out there.
The rate at which these folks absolutely 180 on their the tune of every few months now...tells you they are absolutely horrible, evil, no good, very bad, people.
He literally COULD be answering questions here...and it is INCREDIBLY awkward to hear him pretty much say "No comment" to question after question after question as he's sitting there...
You need only understand that if Harris had done the exact same thing would have been deemed historic, incredible, amazing, and akin to the resurrection of Jesus himself.
Trying to bribe me with cash to take jab is just adding insult to injury bro. An insult to my intellect. I'm not refusing the jab cause you aint payin me. You can't buy my compliance.
@daviderwin4705 Hell of it is, as with most of these insane policies, the poorest (and thus usually the minorities they claim to champion) will be hit the hardest. MOST low income housing have gas appliances. They will be put out of commission while the entire gas line is pulled, and electric is installed. They will also see higher electric bills.
Man, he said in "layman's terms" and she took it all the way down to pre-pre-kindergarten....
Myyyy GOD they are pulling out the stops. She might as well tell black people they will become the next Emmett Till if Republicans win. She's saying it without saying it. It's just incredible to see a political party argue that fascism will win if they do not control both houses, the presidency, and every office in lower government forever...
Didn't even think about that regarding kids in school wearing masks. You know they ain't wearing them properly. There is 0 transmission prevention with those things in schools. It's pure theatrics. Needs to stop.
I and my wife are 37/35 and we use YT as TV 99.999% of the time unless we are watching movies. Live TV and traditional cable is not even on our radar.
Is it raining? I don't know, I'm not a meteorologist...
What a time to be alive. People realizing, while you don't have to be a believer in it, the tenants of Christianity are again needed to sustain freedom. To see people come to that realization is awesome to behold. It is only those Christian tenants that ensure we all have the freedom to believe or not, worship or not, but to maintain that human life is precious no matter whos it Good times.
Gavin Newsom from what must be a room cool enough that he needed a jacket on: "Can yall NOT use so much AC? God."
I'll tell you this. These folks are doing a damn good job ensuring people steadily turn away from their cause. NO sane person looks at someone trying to ruin the night of thousands of people and think "He's got a good point. I'm with him!"
30 YOU want ME to believe that it is good for public safety for an illegal immigrant to be able to fight cops, get released with zero bail 20 mins later...and then flee to another state? You want me to believe that is good public safety policy?
But racism has been the Democrat way for EONS. Since the beginning of the party. Their old target was anyone not white, their new target is anyone who is white. Same recipe, they just changed the chocolate chips out for white chocolate chips. It's exactly the same though.
2025: "A day in the life of my time at Google! I started my day with a nap. I stopped at the cereal bar for some Captain Crunch. I then took a break in the bounce house and burned off some energy. Then I watched some cartoons and took another nap. Then I had a 5 minute meeting in the Spiderman room (had to sit on the racecar bed of course!), and then I ended my day with some dinosaur chicken nuggets and a bubble bath with my toys!"
"What's going on here?" I don't fuckin know...Taco's? Despacito? Maybe that kinda stuff? You are treating people like the shit you think they are and you wanna ask what is happening here? Ok I guess.
I feel like every episode these days begins with an apology for a lie the day before hahahahah!
"I think the issue with someone like you is..." The problem she has is that he is tired of pretending everything is not uncontrollably burning around him because of Democrats...when she thinks he has an absolute obligation in her eyes to keep pretending there's no fire.
translation: Taxes, taxes, taxes.
@BW022 Yup. And what happens when the problem is placed in many other cities? It's forced to be recognized. The camera's can ignore it when it's all on the border. It gets a bit tough to hide it all when it's in NY, DC, Chicago....
3:45 I want them to explain to the American public how they can even function as a college campus with absolutely out of control feverish protests? You can't. You have non-students invading the campus for it. The safety of all students on campus, then, is in direct danger with unknown people roaming around.
These people are literally throwing us crumbs and pretend they are tossing us prime cuts....
Funny how there's limitless room for evolving here, when her mind appears to change 5 times in 2 years...but also a 35 year old who Tweeted something stupid at age 15 MUST be held accountable by any means necessary.
For sure, the money is leaving Cali at a steady pace. It will be devastated when the balances flip, and there's not enough money there to fund all the "free" stuff Cali has promised it's prison..I mean citizens.
As a CEO, your JOB is to manage your company in the best interest of the shareholders, and in the best interest of the purchasing customer. If you do something to damage stock prices, or damage relationships with the backtrack and fix it. You can rest assure, as stock holders or customers of Target, the CEO is giving you a GIANT middle finger and saying we are gonna do X, Y, and Z NO MATTER how much it damagers our brand, destroys our stock, or drives customers away.
@Jillb1950 Nope. It's their job to report what's happening on it's face. It's the viewers job to make up their mind about what they are seeing. Particularly an outlet who routinely airs lies then saying they care about spreading lies hahahah! But journalists and media outlets are not designed to be arbiters of truth.
I mean, it's all an attempt to SOUND smart. To SOUND like she knows what she's talking about...but it always comes out a mess because her original point is always lost under the pile of 5000 useless words being used to say it. Often times, she almost doesn't even complete the original point because she's said SO many needless words to make it sound so much smarter than it really is. sounds like she's trying to meet a word count on an essay really.
Her outrage just falls on deaf ears in the context of her refusing to vote for protection for the SC justices. It's meaningless. Like a bully crying after they get punched in the eye.
Democrat: "Heh! Texas doesn't doesn't have the energy for thermostats hahah! Fools!" Democrat 2 days later to their citizens: "Hey, we don't have enough energy for your thermostats guys..."
Rest assured, and you already do see it, as folks like this obtain more and more we begin becoming able to make change on a legal level...these folks WILL suddenly insist on simply ignoring the law. They use the law as a shield now, but they will run from it when the tides turn. And it will be messy.
The door opens permanently if you wipe out student loans anyway. You can't wipe THOSE loans out without a demand to wipe out mortgage loans, auto loans, etc. It's the next logical argument. Why would it make sense to not have to make student loan payments but still have to make mortgage payments? Or car payments right? Why doesn't the government just pay for ALL these things outright via taxes? It's a TERRIBLE idea.