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Myles Platt
The Rubin Report
Comments by "Myles Platt" (@melsop54) on "The Rubin Report" channel.
A good old fashioned civil debate is all I can ask for. I love it!
@danjenkins2064 It is very very religious indeed. Most notably with the idea that anyone who does not unabashedly subscribe to it is evil and wretched. Exactly like every religion operates.
@dman29495 That is to say, you are shutting down the conversation because you don't like it.
Good luck to the NYPD tracking down a 6'5 hispanic X.
100% The mere thought of it is just gross. And that is the normal human response. To be repulsed by even the thought of that happening. To go to the extent of sneaking someone in to speak to kids about things like this means you MUST assume sexually abusive motives. Grooming. Child sexual grooming.
He has accomplished something of historic proportions for sure! No president to date has fallen down 5 times in 3 years of his term!
I mean, if you live in an ivory palace and don't see the financial strain or have to regularly step over turds on the street, you might think things are going good. The rest of the country does not think so though.
I've NEVER voted Democrat in my entire life...but if there ended up being a Democrat party with the likes of Gabbard, RFK, and the like...I could VERY easily be persuaded.
Bingo. And the investigative journalism headed by DailyWire in Louden is a prime example. If the rape story hadn't broken, the election would have been done already. But the second people actually start seeing what's happening behind closed doors...minds change.
Good question. These people are not stupid. We think they are because what they are doing makes no sense, but that's the point. They are intentionally sowing confusion, chaos, and discord.
By dragging these kids through the education system, whether they are adequately prepared to go to the next step, come hell or high water, SIMPLY to be able to say "I helped black people!" will result in FAR more damage to the community when they a generation of ill prepared, undereducated, black young adults are released to run things.
We are seeing what it looks like to have state sanctioned "comedy". All the "comedians" saying the exact same thing, and rendering themselves anything but comedic.
Perfect point. You CAN NOT fairly judge someone and punish them today, for ideas and things they said years and years ago. It's an impossible standard. Think about it. What if, in 25 years time, the things YOU are doing NOW (that you are CONVINCED are ethical, moral, good, and wholesome) are for one reason or another deemed evil bad and wrong...are you ok with standing in front of someone 25 years from now being told you are evil for things you not only thought were good at the time...but things you also can not possibly go back and correct? No. History is not there for us to chastise, correct, or erase. History there is to be a lesson. That's it.
@maidenminnesota1 Exactly. I'm married, and I've seen it first hand for years now. It's nothing shameful, but it's on the same level of using the bathroom. Keep it private, use what you need to use, and that's that. I can assure you, though if you are a woman you need no assurance here, women do not enjoy their periods lol!
@douglemay7989 Indeed he is not. He's far from perfect, and his personal life is nothing I'd want to emulate, but the first husband you are voting for hit his ex wife girlfriend in the face and knocked up the babysitter while married to his ex wife. So....spare me the outrage.
She does have a tone of "This job drains my fucking soul, but here goes..."
So the only option for Democrat voters is they MUST get behind any Democrat ticket no matter what? That's freedom? "SHUT YOUR MOUTH AND GIVE THEM YOUR VOTE!"...that's freedom?
Hey, we were told by the Democrats that this behavior was abhorrent...when it was Trump saying it. Remember, the adults are back in the room. Integrity and good ol nice Uncle Joe are back. Wait...he...he's just pretending to be nice?
Consider you merely need to sneeze to be banned apparently...really does show how spineless they are. But, given that they've even lost Bette freakin Middler now...their days as a ideology are really numbered at this point. People are fed up. Even those who are choosing to remain Democrat are acknowledging that these folks are killing their party.
That "...if you want to be an apologist for Trump..." is, inversely to say "You work for me and you say what I tell you to say to the public."
Weird. I saw 100's of black people at the parade and fireworks show in my area the other one was shot. Not one. Strange that Reid seems to think she will be shot for stepping outside...
"None of the three occurred..." This man literally wants you not to believe your lying eyes and ears...he distinctly said three things a few days ago...and now wants you to believe he never said those things...
Cheaters are always afraid their spouse is cheating on them right? That's a combination of guilt and attempting to keep the light from shining on them. That logic applies here. It's blatantly obvious to anyone with more than 2 brain cells.
The sheer horror of unfiltered adults being brought in to be around your children without you knowing or being there is enough to make you go mad. As a parent, for the safety of your kid, you MUST assume abusive motives at all times in cases like this. There is just no non abusive reason for an adult you barely know to sneak in an adult you DON'T know at speak to your child. That's just gross.
The difficult thing is, the swamp, as we saw in 2020, WILL change the rules on a whim to get their way if they aren't getting it otherwise. That is something to contend with.
100% Show this to any and all left leaning friends you have. Perhaps some will see it.
@LabTech41 And the way he repeatedly attacks and then feigns victim, and then attacks, and then feigns victim. It's fuckin gross.
Literally all Republicans have to do is not say anything. Just let their ads be Democrats speaking for themselves. This thing is wrapped in gold, placed on a silver platter, and being handed to them by an angel. They simply need to accept the gift.
@eyesofascension8678 Exactly. It must ignore the fact that as a married man with no kids, my needs are gonna be different than that of a married man with kids. As a 34 year old man, my needs will be different than that of a 75 year old man. As a white man, my needs just don't matter lolol! But the point is, they do NOT see an individual with specific needs. In their world, you have brown hair, therefore this is your need. It's completely idiotic at the most innocent level, and deeply sinister at a much more real level.
Literally the game play is "Don't believe your lying eyes. Vote for me anyway."
It's pretty simple. If my family is struggling to eat...I'm not gonna care what happens a thousand miles away 1 day over a year ago...
True, but the Rinos within don't really want that. Gotta vote them out.
@angelaR4661 Not getting rid of us, they are simply gonna find out they can't function economically without all of us. We see how many police, EMT's, firefighters, etc there are that will be missing if this takes affect. Companies will lose large swaths of employees overnight in an situation where it's already hard enough to hire people to begin with. Things will absolutely fall apart with how many people will be removed from the workforce.
Show me ONE shred of evidence that Republicans are actively trying to prevent black people from voting. Then explain to me how it's not racist to assume black people, presumably then by nature of being black, are just not smart enough to find an ID. Then explain to me how Biden can try demanding a black man show an ID and papers to eat a Big Mac at McDonalds...and it's not racist...but if that same black man leaves McDonalds to go vote and is asked to show the same ID...he's suddenly a victim of racism. The SOTU will be a GIANT spin. Get ready... They KEEP calling Harris PRESIDENT...because there have been talks since the beginning. They are saying "president" because they have been talking about it behind closed doors and it's hard to keep VICE president and PRESIDENT straight when both are big points of interest in your mind.
THIS is what Jesus was getting at. It isnt about religion. It's about people being free. He came to set the captives free. You are free to believe or not, to worship him or not, to live your life as you see fit or as Christ recommends. Those tenants are the only ones that foster a true, deep, and abiding freedom. People are coming back around to this as they see the day to day increase in chaos and madness.
If you watch any child up until a certain age, they don't even comprehend race until their brain is either developed enough to register it, OR they are taught it. Aside from that, until a certain point, it physically doesn't occur to them that one kid is one color and the kid next to them is another color. That is a beautiful thing.
The issue can be described like this. Drunk driving is out of control and record numbers of people are dying at the hands of drunk drivers. The people are demanding action to reduce drunk driving. Democrats are focused on making sure the beer can design the drunk driver is drinking from aren't offending the drunk driver, making sure the drunk driver has their seat belts on, making sure the drunk driver didn't forget their wallet....
I'm old enough to remember when it was shocking for America to hear about female "circumcision" in the MidEast. That's kind of a run of the mill Tuesday in America now for many folks.
As a former teenage boy myself, I agree. I would have LOVED to have had classes on welding, woodworking, auto mechanic, something like that, rather than ever increasingly difficult useless algebra classes.
All that matters is the final vote tally. Hillary Clinton was at a 99.999% chance of winning and she lost. Trump was guaranteed to lose, and he not only won, but out performed his polls. The final vote count is all that matters.
Sunny seems like kind of person who would unplug her moms life support to charge her phone...
100%. The second Amnesty is granted, and thus a vote is granted to these's over with. The votes of every person who would stand against them will be rendered useless.
Quite simply...because he KNEW what his policies and the policies they would begin promoting would do to the economy. If the American people still believed in 3-4% economic growth as a normal good thing...the damn near stagnant state of the economy those modern Democrat policies WOULD produce would quickly lose support. We SHOULD expect 3-4% growth. We SHOULD expect affordable interest rates generally. There's no reason, as the greatest nation on earth, that we should come to expect less as normal.
Right. I was hesitant personally at first just cause it was brand new, and I'm not too keen on shooting a brand new concoction in my body. I was entirely and permanently turned off when Biden mandated it. Nope. I refuse to bend to that as a matter of principle now. Not even death will scare me in to it at this point.
Martin Luther King Jr.: I have a dream that we will be judged based on the content of our character and not the color of our skin. Al Sharpton 2023: It's unthinkable that they considered it unconstitutional to not consider the color of ones skin...
@Spanky1 I don't think as many cops are gonna be ok just arresting people leaving their homes in the US as you may think. Besides that, if neighbors are gonna start actively trying to destroy THEIR neighbors lives like that, theres gonna be a HUGE conflict there.
@billbally4419 Honest in the sense that they are expected to report a story on it's face value. Not read in to it and assume evil intent in either direction with no evidence.
Ah yes, the only possible way to prepare for a next wave...the one and only possibility is to spend gazillions more dollars. Side note...I'm gonna place $100 on COVID making a magical come back about around October.
Rule of thumb, if the ones claiming we have to sacrifice are buying multimillion dollar mansions....they do not have your best interest at heart.
Every doctor will tell ya they can't diagnose someone just by looking at them, but also every doctor will tell you they see exactly what signs and symptoms these doctors say they see themselves.