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Alphi Joseph K
The CJ Werleman Show
Comments by "Alphi Joseph K" (@alphijosephk2266) on "" video.
Hitler and Islamic Prophet Mohammed has similarities…!!! Both hated other peoples…!!! Hitler want to kill Jews and want to establish Germen Empire....!!! Similarly Islamic Prophet Mohammed want to kill Jews, Christians and others and want to establish his Islamic Empire...!!! Hitler made Nazi Party and started war against others to establish German Empire and that lead to 2nd World War...!!! Similarly Mohammed created Islam and its God Allah in the 7th Century and established Islamic Empire and started war against Jews, Christians and others...!!! Hitler love his Nazi Party…!!! Similarly Mohammed love his Islam…!!! But Both hated other peoples…!!! What happened to Hitler's German Empire...?!! The same will be the fate of Islamic Empire... But since Islam is disguising as a religion and has an Islamic God Allah, it will last few more Century...!!!
Holy Bible - Jesus Christ warns Humanity about False Prophets. (Mathew 7:15; Luke 6: 43 - 44) “Be on your guard against False Prophets; they (False Prophets) come to you looking like Sheep, on the outside. But on the inside they (False Prophets) are really like Wild Wolves. You will know them (False Prophets) by what they do.”
Islamic Holy Book “Quran create unnecessary Fear about their God “Allah” and create unreasonable Hatred towards others.... Because Quran is the Verses of Mohammed himself and his desire rather than Verses his God Allah....!!! Both Unnecessary Fear and Unreasonable Hatred will make a person a Mental Patient.… So Millions of Muslims are becoming Mental Patients because of their Islamic belief…. Hence they need proper counseling and Mental Treatment…. Though Muslims are living in Modern World in 21st Century, but due to their belief they prefer to live in Stone-age darkness…. Only Jesus Christ can save them from this darkness…. Muslims should come to the Light (Jesus Christ)…. Holy Bible – John 8: 12 : "Jesus Christ is the Light of the World.” Jesus Christ spoke to the Pharisees again. “I am the Light of the World.” He said. “Whoever follows me (Jesus Christ) will have the Light of Life and will never walk in Darkness (Sin).”
Holy Bible – Luke 6: 32 – 36; Mathew 5: 38 – 48 :- ("Jesus Christ's teaching of Love for Enemies.") Jesus Christ said to his disciples, "If You Love only the people who Love You, why should you receive a Blessing ?" "Even Sinners Love those who Love them…! And if you do Good only to those who do Good to you, Why should You receive a Blessing ? Even Sinners do that !" "And if You lend only to those from whom You hope You get it back, Why should You receive a Blessing ?" Even Sinners lend to Sinners, to get back the same amount !” "No! Love Your Enemies and good to them, Lend and expect nothing back." You will then have a Great Reward, and You will be Sons of Most High God.” “For he is good to the Ungrateful and the Wicked.” Be Merciful just as Your Father (God) is Merciful.”
Allah is not the God of Abraham... Allah is not the God of Jews... God of Abraham is "Yahweh."... Jews are the true descendants of Abraham... Jews are worshiping "Yahweh." Allah is a Moon God which was one of many Gods worshiped by Arabs in the desert... Mohammed was a member of an Arab Business caravan run by an Arab Woman... Mohammed declared himself as a Prophet of Moon God Allah at the age of 60, in 7th Century... Arabs are in envy of Jews... Mohammed was hating all Prophets coming from Jewish Tribe... For taking revenge against Jews, Mohammed made Allah as his only God in 7th Century....!!!