Comments by "Alphi Joseph K" (@alphijosephk2266) on "США вынудили Талибан вторгнуться в Иран?" video.
Muslims are frustrated, because even after following all the Religious rituals of Islam like pray 5 times a day without changing a second, Islamic God Allah is not able to bless Muslims in any fields...!!!
Muslims are frustrated, because even after performing Hajj, Allah is not able to bless Muslims...!!!
Muslims are frustrated, because even after eating Halal Food, Allah is not able to bless Muslims...!!!
Muslims are frustrated, because after wearing Islamic dress, Allah is not able to bless Muslims...!!!
Muslims are frustrated, because even after performing Jihad, Allah is not able to bless Muslims...!!!
Dear Muslims, False Prophet Mohammed is deceiving and exploiting Muslims for the benefit of his Arab Tribe...!!! Hence Muslims must understand that you are following a deceiver and stop following Mohammed and start to follow Jesus Christ to become Spiritual Child of True God Yahweh to reach in Heaven...!!!