Comments by "Alphi Joseph K" (@alphijosephk2266) on "How Israel Makes Europe Unsafe for Muslims" video.
Holy Bible – John 14: 8 – 10 :- "Jesus Christ is the Way to the Father and Jesus Christ and his Father (God - Heaven) are one."
One of the disciple Philip of Jesus Christ said to him, "Lord show us the Father (God), that is all we need."
Jesus Christ answered, "For a long time I have been with you all, Yet you do not know me, Philip ?"
"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father (God). Why then do you say, "Show us the Father (God) ?"
"Do you not believe, Philip that I am in the Father (God) and the Father (God) is in Me ?"
"The words that I have spoken to you," Jesus Christ said to hid disciples, "Do not come from me."
"The Father (God), Who remains in Me, does his Own Work."