Comments by "Ronin Dave" (@RoninDave) on "Rick Santorum's Talking About the Poor, But What's He Saying?" video.

  1. In the past would the Republicans have been so brazen in their actions of cutting support to so many Americans while pretending they care about Americans? I think they realize that their base is so brainwashed by 20 years of rightwing radio rhetoric that they can do and say anything because their base so hates and fears liberals to the point they think liberals daily conspire to destroy America. I mean look what they have done with Obama. They turned a moderate conservative into some arch-liberal communist. They are so blind and deaf to reality while claiming it's liberals who are such. Look at the number of TYT trolls who claim TYT loves Obama despite the number of TYT videos criticizing Obama. They refuse to acknowledge this because it doesn't fit the reality that has been fabricated for them. You could shove a TYT anti-Obama video in their face and they would refuse to accept it. People talk about how brainwashed North Korea is to the point where a number of them actually think their dear leader can read their minds. The rightwing in this country is not too much different. They live in a brainwashed paranoid fantasyland where a UN takeover is just a heartbeat away, where Obama is out to get all the guns, where most of the mass shooters have been Liberals despite conservatives constantly saying liberals also fear guns, where Obama and Hillary watched the people at Benghazi die doing nothing because they're evil of course, where Planned Parenthood hands out abortions like candy, where criminals are busting down doors to murder whole families like some Mad Max movie villains, where any regulation on guns is unconstitutional but depriving people the right to vote is constitutional, where refusing to help the poor is Christian, and so on and so on. There needs to be a major de-programming of much of the rightwing base 