Comments by "Britta Kriep" (@brittakriep2938) on "SS-Contract Walther PP and PPK Pistols" video.
Soap Maker : Königreich- kingdom. Kaiserreich- empire. In case of kingdom: Royal ( in german: königlich, königliiche, königliches, königlicher). In case of empire: Imperal ( in german: kaiserlich,kaiserliche, kaiserliches, kaiserlicher). But after the revolution of 9./10. November 1918 the emperor, the kings, greatdukes,dukes and princes( Fürsten) had to leave their thrones, Germany became a republic, but keeped the name , Deutsches Reich'. When in 1938 Austria was annexed, Hitler changed ( for historic reasons of the 1840s) the name into , Großdeutsches Reich' (1840s: Kleindeutschland , Small Germany, Germany without Austria/ Großdeutschland, Great Germany, Germany with Austria). So when after the last monarch, who was an emperor, the german republic keept the term Reich, Reichs.... must be translated with Imperial, Royal would be totaly wrong, because Germany before 1918 was no kingdom and Hitler no king or , Reichsverweser' like hungarian Admiral Hothy. In german Reich means either kingdom or empire, another translation is not possible.
schrodingers cat : As a german citizen i only know that the Department of Homeland Security is a US Federal Agency, which has to guard, bridges, damm?, electricy and water supply buildings etc.. Because i am NOT so much interessted in WWll, i am no expert, which security agencies had been a central headquarter in the RSHA. Police, SS, SD and Gestapo. The other agencies i don 't know. There had been prison/court guards, customs service, railway police, post protection and smaller, not so wellknown police/security and intelligence agencies, for example the Reichpost Forschungsstelle or a non uniformed rural police called Landwacht/rural guard. And not to forget, the relicts of medieval community security forces:,Town criers', the very last nightwatchmen, field guards ( in french: gardes champetres) etc..
KKona : I write in english, for the other readers. In my last comment i said, it seems to be a problem, for the reason of , Feinheiten' in the english language, which i do not know, because my english is not so good. You described it better, Reich means in Germany usualy a country ruled by an emperor or king, countries ruled by nobles of other ranks are called different. As history interessted germans, we both know, that the ,Holy Roman Empire' is a subject/ topic (?), which you can't describe in a few sentences. For the nongermans i try to explain the military situation of the HRE after 1496. There had been about 300 nearly independant states, which had been called ,. Reichsstände', simplified every Reichsstand had seat and voice in the , Reichstag'/ Parlament. And there had been territories with no seat and voice in parlament, mostly the Reichsritter/ imperal knights, those territories had to send no soldiers to the ,Reichsarmee'. But the ,Reichsstände' had to do so, and in 1496 a treaty was signed, how many men the different , Reichsstände' had to send, because they had different size. The territory of the HRE was split into ten districts/ Reichskreise. The emperor could only mobilze his own troops, the ,Reichsarmee' was only mobilized after a parlament order.