Comments by "Britta Kriep" (@brittakriep2938) on "Book Review: Vickers Guide H&K Volume 2 (SMG & PDW)" video.
With exeption of the few owners of a Waffenschein ( german 'CCW licence), german hunters (who are allowed to carry a pistol for Fangschuß/ final shot during hunting), and target shooters using central fire pistols in combat pistol look for competition, H&K has nothing to offer for german civilians, owning an ordinary gun licence ( Waffenbesitzkarte). No hunting guns, no rifles or pistols for traditional german target shooters. But in Oberndorf am Neckar, there is also Feinwerkbau company, which produces only airguns and .22 guns for traditional olympic target shooters. Mauser produces still hunting guns, but no more at Oberndorf, but in a small town Isny , where also Sauer and Blaser hunting guns are produced. In Oberndorf, in socalled Schwedenbau ( Swedisch Building), once owned by Mauser company, there is the Waffenmuseum ( weapons museum). There are weapons, produced by Mauser, H&K, Feinwerkbau and Königlich Württembergische Waffenmanufaktur ( which later became Mauser). For the reason that Mauser collection was in 1945 stolen by US and French troops, the shown Mauser guns are not from former collection and in bad condition. There are also civilian products of Mauser ( socalled bureau machines and measurement instruments, but also a Mauser car). With entry Ticket , you can also visit Heimatmuseum ( homeregion museum with an Intressting collection of allemanic swordblades and spear tips).