Comments by "David Himmelsbach" (@davidhimmelsbach557) on "Sino-German Cooperation and The Turning Point of WW2 | TIKhistory Q&A" video.

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  2. There were a few turning points for WWII. My pick is CRETE. It was an impromptu campaign -- that was sustained by robbing units from Army Group North. This detail is almost NEVER brought up in histories about Crete. These assets were typically burned up// ruined during the campaign. Crippling AGN led directly to the siege of Leningrad... whereas a romp through the city was in the cards. The 2nd Panzer was SUNK after the battle for Greece. (!!) Just the tanks and half-tracks were lost. How? They were in transit from Greece to southern Italy, thence to take the rails back to the Baltic coast. Hence TWO panzer divisions evaporated from the Barbarossa order of battle. Yes, 2nd Panzer had not been split yet. It was still at its 1940 TO&E. The men ended up sitting on their azzes for months. Rebuilding these two panzer divisions sucked down all of the new production. It finally showed up for Typhoon. Hitler abandoned airborne operations because of Crete. You can't over-state the importance of that error. If dropped upon the rail lines east of Leningrad, the city would fall. No supplies could ever reach her. Rail repair assets were also lost driving on Greece. No-one bleed to death, but the tools and supplies were burnt out. They were critically needed to repair the rails up to Leningrad. Instead, a half-azzed repair was employed. This crippled the tempo -- and burned up yet more fuel. Sloth in rail road repair = fuel wastage of the first water. And because of Greece, the 1SS was still in Romania, June 22, 1941... and much more. This concentration was a wasted army. It couldn't move until 6th Army and 1st Panzer came down from Poland. Red Army river defenses were just too strong. ( The Romanians took a pounding when they attempted to force the issue. )
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