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Comments by "Jagdtoq" (@Jagdtoq) on "Did Kim Kardashian Damage Marilyn Monroe’s Dress?" video.
Publicity stunt because that's what she survives on - media attention.
As a collector I have purchased so many family heirlooms, and I sometimes can barely believe the seller is that cold to sell their own unique family history, just for a few hundred dollars, seems shameful somehow.
The damage is beyond repair but a perhaps replacement panels could be made. Some textile manufactures specialize in matching cloth, it is usually done for ancient upholstery or clothing often having a royal connection. The price would be significantly higher than the cost of the original dress, possibly fifty thousand dollars.
Some people want fame at any price, the cost to others isn't important either.
She should pay for the repair, if it can't be repaired then an exact replica should be made, including a one off weaving of the same material if an exact match cannot be found, I think a couple of hundred thousand dollars should do it.