Comments by "Anita K" (@Anita-k) on "LIBERATION of Kherson has Started. 25,000 Russians TRAPPED. Shoigu "Removed" / 08.29 Russia Ukraine" video.
@Ivan Smirnov
You wrote:
Well they tried to bløck "some" VPN and it still works. Not right out of the box but still.
It's when they'll start prosecuting people for using them, that's when we'll have real problems.
Blocking YouTube would be a stupid move. Besides, they don't really have any legal reasons to do that. Also they don't want to anger the crowd too much.
& Getting rid of this app is sure to anger a lot of people.
I don't know, what exactly got your comment dęlęted - it could be your location, it could be YouTube kęyword filters and AI censørship, or something I don't know (they may also start to go after my beloved "alphabet camouflage" now) - I kept your original meaning and worded some things differently, to get through all of this nonsense; if yours is still visible, please feel free to compare it.
... The problem is, it's starting to get really really bad on both sides here on YouTube.
& If you haven't noticed it yet, we're suffering from a huge "dęlęted comments problem" here ... never seen threads saying something like "10 replies" and you can only find 4-6 of them left?
This isn't only frustrating, it stops communication almost entirely, bc most users just give up on that specific thread/topic.
I'll stop now and look what happens.
& PLEASE, to make it a bit easier:
Don't reply to dęlęted comments that doesn't show up in the open thread, take a previous one if possible, make a copy of your texts and double-check, if your comment shows up in the thread!
I'm eternally grateful your comment is showing up this time, thank you SO very much!
& You're right, I can still access your replies, if I didn't dęlęte the notifications after replying - to GIVE THE ALGORITHM MORE SPACE FOR ALLOWING MORE REPLIES INTO MY NOTIFICATIONS, which I just discovered, haven't fully figured out yet and could be totally wrong about* - however, you're still perfectly right, I also have the replies in my emails and up to ~2 weeks ago, I could make a copy of the dęlęted comments there, to bring them back into the thread for better context and now this option isn't possible any longer, bc YouTube cancelled it; so I feel really defeated at the moment. 😭
& Yes of course I can make a short summary or quote what I'm replying to, however everything's getting more and more complicated and I'm sure you can also see the problem of making conversations as time-consuming and frustrating as possible for everybody here.
But if it's better for your safety to have no comments showing up (which is understandable), then I'll deal with that.
I fully agree to YouTube being a great source of information, it has become more important than main stream media for the most part ... actually most don't trust official media anymore and for everybody it's a different point in time this feeling had started; so yes, YouTube's highly important.
(Admittedly I still need to look into what this FB exception was about ... I'm not a social media user at all).
* Actually I'm still experimenting around, if dęlęting old notifications makes much sense.
I agree with you, they'd just remove your YouTube account, if this were about profile pictures!
When I wrote this I forgot completely, that I had repeatedly seen commenters with swastika profile pictures* recently and they were NOT removed - in case you don't know, swastikas are forbidden in Germany as well as in my country (Austria) for good reason - and although I don't know how to feel about seeing those pictures so often, it's likely the better option for YouTube to be tolerant, as it doesn't mean to accept it or approve of it.
* Half of them pro Russian commenters, the other pro Ukrainians mocking each other; so there's obviously a "swsatika-war" going on at the moment. 🤣
This brings me back to YouTube's kęyword filters and AI censørship - I recently researched the "dęlęted comments problem" for hours and ALL sides were complaining about getting dęlęted, so it's likely NOT a political thing - and knowing YouTube lives from advertisers, it's more likely their AI-computer is suffering from a "bug" in the meantime, caused by different huge advertising companies requesting conflicting favours/inputs into the AI over the past years, before investing into expensive advertising-campaigns on YouTube; this theory made the most sense to me, (although I could be wrong of course).
Thank you for being so reasonable and well-balanced in your understanding, despite your profile picture! ;-)
The use of nuclear weapons would definitely be totally su1c1dal for Russia, as well as blowing up the Zaporozhzhia nuclear power plant, or even just causing an "accident" there ... I bet 99,999% of the world's population had never heard of the Zaporozhzhia nuclear power plant before, as long as it's been safely in Ukraine's hands and the wind would almost certainly blow nuclear clouds to Russia and Belarus, too.
So I see most of their nuclear threats as very desperate attempts to be taken more seriously, but they only accomplish the opposite reaction from the west; and they should stop blaming Ukraine for the Zaporozhzhia situation, bc nobody believes them and even China showed disapproval, disgust and concern only towards Russia cause of their military equipment storage in Zaporozhzhia, mining it and using it as a shield.
Pretty much nobody's ever been interested in Russian territory since WW2, (maybe I missed some insignificant details, but I mean for the most part they're just paranoid), nobody wants this war to escalate into a WW3 scenario and/or a nuclear disaster.
I believe, Russia could theoretically also mean the use of so called "tactical nuclear weapons*", when threatening nuclear strikes, as most people aren't aware, there're (at least) 2 different types of nuclear weapon systems.
* Tactical nuclear weapons are less radioactive, they're mainly aimed at destroying infrastructure like e.g. electric power lines, internet towers, water supply and traffic signs/signals (all working with computer-systems), etc...
They cause an unimaginable chaos in the country affected, but they're much less lethal, at least that's how I understood the topic's descriptions, hopefully my explanation here is correct, I still need to look into all of this a bit deeper. admittedly.
I'm also not sure, when the use of tactical nuclear weapons is justified according to the Russian doctrine, (it's not a very well-known topic at all), usually everybody just thinks about Hiroshima/Nagasaki types of nuclear bombs.