Comments by "Joseph Martin" (@josephmartin1543) on "Kyiv asks NATO to prepare sanctions to deter Moscow from invading | Euronews" video.
Since when Kiev Oligarchs give orders to NATO ? which is financed mostly by US and EU Taxpayers ? In my humble opinion, this is a Shakedown by Kiev Oligarchs to EU & US : Give us Money, Weapons and Favors or we will start a Military Crisis between NATO and Russia . As a bonus, since the Weapons Dealers control by the Asset Managers ,Hedge Funds ,Private Equity work with the Kiev Oligarchs , they get a cut of the sales. Reporters should investigate all the mansions these Ukraine Oligarchs own in Bermuda, Caribbean and Middle East : Before the first fireworks starts , their private jets will fly them there , so they can watch Europe , Ukraine and Russia burning on their TV' s. Isn't great ?