Comments by "Joseph Martin" (@josephmartin1543) on "Latest news bulletin | April 30th – Evening" video.
Dear EU Parliament : Brasil has been calling their own Country Brasil, with an " s ", since 1921 , more than one hundred years ago, but you and others , while Pr. Lula was visiting and trying to make Peace between the Slavic Christian Ukrainians and Slavic Christian Russians , you and others continue to call their Country Brazil , which is erroneous spelling in English : Like telling all Brasilians : You dont know how to call your own Country , we will tell you how . It's a little detail, but it's arrogant, uneducated and stupid , it's colonial and repugnant, and explain why so many People are turning against the European Union around the World. The 2024 EU Elections must change everything, and most of you can go to work for all the Financial, Energy and Military Companies profiting from the Ukraine War , with high paying jobs, stock options and perks . Shame !