Comments by "Joseph Martin" (@josephmartin1543) on "Latest news bulletin | July 19th – Evening" video.
Fact is Europe is facing a winter without enough Gas, Oil and Coal to warm Homes and Power Factories , Europe does not have enough Chips for assembly Factories and still can't find highly skilled Workers to cover 3 million high -skill Jobs , Europe does not even have own Social Media platforms and 90 % of the Youth does not know that all their fashion sneakers , all their hot clothes , all their toys and gadgets are made with Chemicals from Oil, Gas and Coal and using cheap steady Nuclear Electricity , they don't even know how to install a Solar Panel or Wind Turbine or how a battery works . Europe needs new leaders , teachers and training , right now ! All their leaders tell them is to hate the Christians in Russia forever , never to talk Peace , never finding solutions , only hate and War forever. Who are the worst enemies of Europe ?