Hebrew highest vocabulary
Middle East Eye
Comments by "Hebrew highest vocabulary" (@Hebrew-Spirit) on "Lowkey: "As history has shown us... Israel take action to kill their own captives"" video.
@burakcoskun38 quoted from the new Testament. The only book that is actually from God, is the Torah, even Mohammed acknowledge it. Mohammed originally wrote the Koran as “an extension” to the Torah (as Mohammed clearly stated,💁🏼♀️ “Before this Book there was Moses’ Book…and this Book confirms what came before us,” … “when we gave Moses the scriptures” [Sura 2:41,48–51,53,87; 3:30; 17; 46:12,30,33, and in many other places, too numerous to detail]) with the hope that by his giving serious recognition to the Jewish people and their Torah, they would accept him as their “final prophet.”
@burakcoskun38 we Hebrews, believe that only the torah from God and Mohammed had a deep belief in the narratives of the Bible. He wrote of Adam, Noah, and of course of Abraham and Ishmael. He wrote of Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and of Israel’s affliction in Egypt and about all the miracles performed for the Jews in Egypt. He wrote about the Exodus, about the miracles in the wilderness such as the manna, and of how water was obtained through hitting rocks (Sura 2:57,60; 20:80). But most of all, Mohammed was extremely enamored by Moses. If one reads the Koran, one sees that Moses is the predominant figure of the Koran, being mentioned over one hundred and thirty times. Moses, together with Abraham (mentioned over seventy times in the Koran), are spoken about with the highest esteem. Mohammed clearly believed in Moses Being the receiver of the Torah directly from God at Mount Sinai.
@burakcoskun38 It appears to me that Islam tries to be more like Judaism.First of all, as elaborated on in the introduction to Judaism and the Koran, and as elaborated on in Chapters 3 and 4, in Jews and Arabs, it’s as clear as can be that the Muslim “prophet” named Mohammed (570–632 C.E.), who in essence started Islam, had enormous exposure to Jews and many of their teachings. However, to understand how the religion spread so easily, we must know that many, many Arab tribes had been living side by side for a very long time, with large Jewish communities such as Yemen, and al-Medina, where Mohammed came from. The influence that Judaism had on the Arabs cannot be understated. In fact the effect of the strong monotheistic views of their Jewish neighbors was so profound that whole tribes of Arabs had accepted monotheism even before the rise of Mohammed. It is because of this closeness to the Jewish community, whom they held in the highest regard, and with whom they got along very well, that many Arab tribes had already adopted and practiced many of the local Jewish laws and teachings. Understandably, this made it so much easier for Mohammed to incorporate a huge amount of Jewish traditions into his Islamic religious teachings, without any protest from his Arab constituents. The teachings of there being One, Merciful God, the importance of prayer, giving charity, the implementation of certain dietary laws, the idea of a day set aside for extra prayer and spiritual development (Friday — instead of the Sabbath), fasting and repentance, were all culled from the local Jewish population and from their knowledge of Torah gained through the local Jewish laymen and scholars. Also, because of the close proximity of the Jews to the Arabs, Mohammed himself was clearly in touch with local Torah scholars (about whom he writes in the Koran in very favorable terms), providing him with access to a very in-depth knowledge of the Torah and its commentaries.
@burakcoskun38 It was only after realizing that the Jews (and Christians — in Sura 19, Mohammed starts to try to attract the Christians as well) wouldn’t accept him as a true prophet that Mohammed presented Islam as an entirely new faith, thereby turning against the other religions, the disbelievers, with a vehemence. This is the general idea of how Islam started, a religion that is a far cry from being true in any verifiable way or form. It turned into a militant religion that is bent on fighting holy wars until it is accepted by the entire world. The following verses are just a sample of verses in the Koran that show how all disbelievers must be fought, and even killed, unless they accept Islam with all its beliefs.these are some teachings found in the Koran: 4:89 — “They long that you should disbelieve even as they disbelieve, that you may be upon a level (with them). So choose not friends from them till they forsake their homes in the way of Allah; if they turn back (to enmity) then take them and kill them wherever you find them, and choose no friend nor helper from among them.” 8:65 — “O Prophet! Rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers.” 9:5 — “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever you find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem.”