Comments by "Rick B" (@rickb3650) on "It’s Not Just Shein" video.

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  6.  @IronicCliche  Why would you think I'm offended? It makes absolutely no difference to me if you ever get the point. I just wanted to show someone who appears curious how things work IRL. I'm just trying to pass on some understanding that was handed to me years ago. Approaching 60, I've already lived the game, and thanks to a willingness to learn from others, avoided a whole lot of mistakes. Of course, I made more than few of my own, but I would like to see those who follow me avoid them because they will have to live in a much harder world than I have. Thanks mostly to those lessons, I "retired" when I was 42. I've spent the years since then doing what I want to do because I won a rigged game, and the reason I was able to win was because I learned and understand how the rig works. Being right matters. "Winning" an online argument doesn't. Knowing what is, matters. Fighting for an erroneous belief, especially when that belief is detrimental to you, doesn't. Just look at whatever history has happened in your own life and project that forward over the next twenty years. If you've written an accurate representation of what you believe about this topic, you've misunderstood or been mislead on a number of important issues. I've simply tried to show you some very basic facts so you can reassess what you've based your opinion on. Young people today are going to go through some horrible shit and the rest of your lives will be lived in a much harder and less hospitable world than the one I have, and mine was/is demonstrably worse than my parent's, and if you have kids, theirs will be harder than yours. This is already a done deal and there's nothing that you or anyone can do to change that. What you can do is learn why this is and how things actually work, so you can work to reverse this presently inevitable progression. I'd rather not die knowing that the idiots and their evil masters of mine and previous generations, effectively ended history. That's the only reason I replied to your comment in the first place.
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