Youtube activity of "Miss Plain Jane" (@missplainjane3905) commenter.
- Name Miss Plain Jane
- YouTube id UCTW1l-gOyRXgp3n9wMpB8Mw
- YouTube name id @missplainjane3905
- Found user comments 1406
Comments grouped by channel
"6abc Philadelphia"
"ABC News"
"Al Jazeera English"
"Asian Boss"
"BBC News"
"BBC World Service"
"Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen"
"Bloomberg Television"
"CNA Insider"
"Cash Jordan"
"China Observer"
"Cyrus Janssen"
"DW News"
"Forbes Breaking News"
"Fox Business"
"Geopolitical Economy Report"
"Global News"
"Hindustan Times"
"Inside Edition"
"Middle East Eye"
"NBC News"
"Nick Shirley"
"Nomad Capitalist"
"On Demand News"
"Sky News"
"Sky News Australia"
"South China Morning Post"
"The Japan Reporter"
"The Wall Street Journal"
"VICE Asia"
"VICE News"
"VisualEconomik EN"
"VisualPolitik EN"
"Voice of America"