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Megalo Don
The CJ Werleman Show
Comments by "Megalo Don" (@megalodon3655) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.
Muslim Bangladeshi American here when I heard you explain that story about the Uber driver in Doha it made me sad about the sad state of the gulf rulers and especially the fact they keep their own brethren in faith in poverty all because of their skin color but will treat non Muslim white people well because they are white. it’s like you said in one of your previous episodes some of the greatest enemies of Islam are usually Muslims themselves namely the Arab rulers. And this story symbolizes and shows that my cousins wife basically my sister in law was raised in Saudi Arabia and yet herself and her father were treated like crap by their brethren in faith once her father had trouble doing business with a Saudi businessman due to him not being an Arab. It broke me as the people have forgotten what prophet Muhammad pbuh stood up for . I want to say keep up the great work some future video ideas you can cover is showing why the European and western colonial governments are unique evil cannot be compared to the Muslim empires and empires of old as neocons and supporters of the 🇮🇱state try to justify their countries brutal history by trying to compare it to the Muslims empires and empires of old please make a video on that.Keep up the great work cj peace.
The 7:21 minute mark was hilarious and funny lol 😂😅 I do want to ask are you going to make videos on trumps plan on ethnic cleansing gaza? Are you also going to talk about what’s happening in Kashmir and Indian Muslims and Chinese and hui Muslims and the Uyghurs it’s been a hot minuet since you have talked about those topics which is fair considering you were busy talking about the Gaza genocide but I also do think we need to get reminded the suffering and genocide Muslims are going through in those countries as well inshallah .
Great video cj I would like a video on how Iran aided and partook in the American invasion and genocide of Afghanistan and Iraqi especially Iraq . Considering 2,400,000-3,400,000 Iraqi Muslims would be slaughtered by both Iranian militias and America and since America fully have Iraq to Iran in 2011 Iranian militias have slaughtered around 80,000-200,000 Iraqis ever since we need a video on Iranian betrayal of the Iraqi people when America invaded their country in 2003 with assistance from Iran inshallah you will get this video done .
The second one was most likely referring to the Roman’s destruction of Israel in 70 ce. I say this because the chapter did mention that the temple aka Masjid al aqsa would be desecrated and destroyed twice and that happened in 570 bce and 70 ce but then again idk only Allah knows best.
Interesting India is sorta like Sweden somewhat in WWII they support Israel on the one hand but on the other hand they support Palestine and to give credit where it’s due tons of Indian Hindus I would say half or most of them are on the side of the Palestinians and are not brainwashed by the hindutva and idk if India and modi would be against Palestine as they are in bricks and the global south and the world stands with Palestine it doesn’t mean they won’t genocide their own Muslim populations like China is doing but just pointing that out also what’s yoru opinion on BRICS cj?
@MuhammadRiaz-lr6hh cool now Allah will replace you with someone better 😂 while you remain lost in paganism .
I knew you were going to quote Larry Johnson I even have been watching his videos also Jazakallahu kahrin ci for letting us know about the coming offensive the resistance will do I did not know I will share inshallah .
Awesome and informative video keep up,the great work peace.
@TheCJWerlemanShow or a vegan meat eater.
@fattymcboomboom9254 you’re the one spewing bs and don’t know anything expect Iranian talking points.
@organboi deluded bot
Nice cool awesome intro continue your hard work and thx for all this content peace.
Cj you will become and regarded as one of the best historians by future historians in the future for the mere fact you covered a topics related to Gaza since the genocide started and you had such a big audience and you aren’t even a historian you are an activist keep up the great work .
@AprilSirius23 there is no comparison Libya was wealthy under gaddafi Syria under Assad was in poverty there is absolutely no comparison .
Hindus be raging after watching this video lol.
@rebasingh258 all religions are different and have different morals and standards some are similar but a lot are different we can still do exist while acknowledging each other’s differences. But only one religion can be true while other have to be false.
Jazakallahu khayran cj you finally talked about the useless “axis of resistance” Alhumdiallah I would also like to add that Iran is not special when it comes to funding Hamas Qatar and Türkiye two Sunni Muslim countries also funds Hamas and given them money and weapons as well. Another thing you could have added were some clips from the former secretary of Hezbollah where he admitted and exposed the sham Iran is . I am definitely going to share this video and also this is a good video for “axis of resistance” bootlickers like the gray zone and Jackson hinkle rana khaleek and George Galloway and the electronic intafada who will happily criticize 🇮🇱but will make all sorts of excuses for china Iran and Russia and their proxies .🤦♂️ if those bozos generally care about Palestinians and Palestine and Muslims they will learn from the video and apologize to Muslims for promoting axis of uselessness propaganda and will be consistent in calling out the war crimes of those countries. They probably won’t but I am glad you did cj. Inshallah I keep praying that you and your family embrace Islam soon inshallah . I also liked the vid.
@TheCJWerlemanShow Jazakallahu kahrin for your hard work I just want to comment if we do accept their argument that Islam condones under age sex it’s still nothing compared to what these psychopaths do because in marriages a man has to love and take good care of his wife and whatever children they have and be committed to her and make sure she doesn’t go through in any pain in intercourse and vice versa what these guys do is just grape and abuse and throw away which is banned in Islam and they would face the death penalty under a shariah based Muslim government . Keep up the great work cj peace.
@Whitefox1331 well Said
Another great and fire episode cj I do want to correct you the amount of civilians Kia by Assad is actually 1,140,000 when you account for the fact that 306,000 Syrian civilians were Kia and only 20,000 were by opposition groups meanwhile Assad managed to Kia 286,000 and when we included indirect deaths which is usually 4 times the amount of direct deaths it’s 1,140,000 but that’s the conservative estimate it could be higher only Allah knows . Also I just want to ask how could Arraon mate support genocidal monsters when his own father was a victim of the holocaust?
Assalamulikum please keep,up the great work cj and Jazakallahu kahrin for letting us know of this topic you mentioned Thailand was closing mosques can you cover that I never had heard of that also please bring attention back to the Uyghurs and the Sunni Muslims of Iran and Iraq and Syria under the tyrannical regimes of the CCP and Iran and Assad. As some grifters have been exploiting the Palestinian cause to promote Russian and Iranian imperialism please cj talk those topics as well inshallah.
@Why78843 if anyone’s info is weak and lacks logic it’s yours you made a claim that Arabs only arrived 600 years after Islam like where did you get this rubbish? Do you ignore the time Arabs are mentioned in the authentic Hadith?
Great video cj it seems assadist bots will continue regurgitating the same npc talking points they have been programmed to say. I would also further you should have mentioned that there is no comparison between Syria sand Libya as Libya under gaddafi was wealthy still a dictatorship and tyrannical regime but wealthy while Syria wasn’t even wealthy most people were in poverty so there’s no comparison and also nasrulshyatn or Nasrallah ironically enough supported and encouraged the Libyan revolution. But I think you should have also mentioned about some claim by assadists about some cia document that supposedly says they wanted Assad gone obviously it’s bs but we need you to cover it we can’t leave any room for these assadists to have anymore talking points.
@mirasmarat6666 agreed
@TheCJWerlemanShow inshallah you will one day become Muslim some people you should talk to learn about Islam are Daniel Haqiqtjou, Uthman Ibn Farooq, Mohammad Hjiab, the Sunnah discourse team.And continue in your hard work please reuplaod all your latest videos and old videos on telegram and rumble just in case YouTube censors you one day the. You will have a back up plan.
@TheCJWerlemanShow lease get in a conversation or interview with Daniel Haqaitjou and Uthman ibn Farooq and Mahdi Tadjani please. Btw it is in the shariah people can’t blaspheme against Islam so the convert was right people will get punished if they blaspheme but it’s not in the hands of ordinary Muslims to carry out the punishments, but it’s the Muslim ruler who can carry out the said punishment. Muslims living in non Muslim lands can’t take the law into their own hands and must obey the the laws of the land they live in.there isn’t free speech in Islam not just Islam but there’s no such thing as free speech even in western societies a book to read is “there’s no such thing as free speech” by Steven fish.The convert or revert probably encouraging violence but saying that Muslims will not stand for their religion to be degraded by other people. But idk I have to watch the full video you only showed a clip fo it. As for the hudud laws again I encourage you to talk to the Muslim figures I mentioned above keep up your great work and continue exposing the injustices in the Muslim world peace brother.
Thx for the video cj while we are not allowed to keep dogs indoors we are not allowed to mistreat them or torture them or any animal for that matter . The Palestinian with the Down syndrome who was willing to pat the dog that was attacking him shows the kindness and compassion Palestinians have even despite the suffering they go through it’s disgusting that even dogs aren’t treated well by the criminal state .
Bro really needs to stop portraying that Hindus are all innocent . They are guilty as well as they have remained silent or heavily support it bro needs to read Hindus scriptures properly without the secular liberal whitewashing .
Great video and this is why I respect you cj you don’t Shill for neither the west nor the “axis of resistance” you call out the oppression of Muslims no matter who does it thx for being consistent cj and you are correct that the biggest division in the Islamic world is not the gulf countries but Iran good job in pointing that out.
Yes cj please make videos exposing those far right grifters especially the ones you mentioned. I think you would need a whole separate video debunking Dan bilzerian. And as you pointed out their antisemitism is the reason 🇮🇱exists.
Before I wrote my first comment I wrote that Your work is very eye opening and I appreciate and thank you for your work but some mistakes you make is trying to promote human rights according to the U.N which Muslims can’t trust the U.N since what they view what’s a right and what’s not a right is different from Muslims.
Another irony is that the German far right and far left wants to rage over Muslim refugees coming to their land when they helped and supported a government that destroyed Libya Syria just to keep Israel safe and now they want to cry like babies but still support the terr#r!st state of Israel which helped cause the Muslims refugee crisis. SMH 🤦♂️.
@Benshafran actually the entire mount that the dome of the rock stands on that’s referred to as the Temple Mount that’s Al Aqsa Mosque and that includes the dome of the rock and the mosque of Omar ra and mosque Al qibbali.
@matoko123 assadist bot.
The people who run all these media outlets and their muppets who parroted their talking points should not just be fired but stigmatized in society and jailed for whitewashing or hiding the crimes of genocide and defending a apartheid racist genocidal state .
This video is a gem despite it being 3 years old it’s still important it’s sad that the son of a holocaust survivor like Arron mate has become a genocide apologist for Russia China and Iran also the actual death toll of Syrian Muslims is 2,000,000 300,000 directly Kia by Assad Nasrallah and Putin but when we include indirect deaths it adds up to 2,000,000 civilians Kia.
@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 and there you go resorting to call us “zios” typical assadist npc bot.
Thx for this inspiring video cj a future video I recommend you to make is just like you called out the native informant mossab Hassan Yusuf there are Neo cons you should also call out the next one being Douglas Murray and Tommy Robinson and their connections to the 🇮🇱 state.
@Why78843 they are also Arabs and their ancestors would do the Muslim conquests of all those countries you mentioned leading to their Islamization and arabization.
@Why78843 maybe but idk how “white” he would be but you are ignoring the fact that Arabs have been in the Arabian peninsula for thousands of years the burden of proof is upon you to prove they came from India .
Can you please make videos on how racist people use swedens grape cases to justify their racism ignoring the fact Muslims in Sweden are taken form their families as children and put in foster homes who grape and abuse them and please talk about the corrupt social justice workers in Sweden .
@deanm1436 yes indeed
What’s ironic is that Germany and Europe and America never got rid of their anti-Semitism they became more anti semetic. Instead of being Anti Jewish they became more Anti-Semitic to Palestinian and Arabs.
@TheCJWerlemanShow hey cj keep up the Great work I do have a question you mentioned mosques were being destroyed in Thailand? Really? Can you explain why that’s happening.
@TheCJWerlemanShow alright also point out how brown and black feminists are used by white feminists to attack Islam and Muslim women as well you,did,a good,job pointing out how white feminists attack Muslim women but you also should point out how their pawns or their students the brown and black feminists and other feminists also do the same thing peace brother and keep up the great work.
@angelamary9493 😂😅keep deluding yourself
@deanm1436 your welcome brother
The video was good keep up the great work. You should also point out the left and far lefts hatred for Muslims and how they pay lip service to Muslims but in action they do the opposite. It’s good you point out the far rights hatred for Islam but you should also point out the hatred of Islam by the far left as well anyways peace and keep out the great work peace.
Great video cj can you make a video exposing how assadists grifted off of the Palestinian cause and to warn future supporters of Palestine that they will be seen no different as z!0s if they support and defend the axis of uselessness and maybe cover why every pro Palestinian celebrity keeps shilling for the Assad an Chinese and Iranian and Russian regimes inshallah .
@deanm1436 yes you spoke the truth brother and the other brother or sister didn’t read the examples I gave where democracy did more harm then good the German leader who was the leader of Germany between 1933 and 1945 came through power through democracy the people who caused the events in 2001 and caused the that massive war were all elected by people through democracy the BJP came into power thx to democracy same thing with the CCP of China.