Youtube activity of "ToughAncientSpark" (@freetolook3727) on "TIKhistory" channel.
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Comments by video
"Actually, Leftists aren't STUPID people"
"Analysing Nazi Anti-Semitic Propaganda Imagery (so nobody falls for it in the future)"
"Analyzing Whoopi Goldberg's “The Holocaust isn’t about race”"
"Churchill was an idiot"
"Could Paulus have abandoned Stalingrad before encirclement? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E37"
"Definition of ideobabble (with examples)"
"Desperate Retreat to El Alamein and the Battle of Mersa Matruh 1942 BATTLESTORM documentary"
"Did the Allied policy of ‘unconditional surrender’ prolong WW2?"
"Did the Soviet Union win WW2 alone?"
"Eisenhower’s Broad Front vs Monty’s Narrow Front in 1944"
"Feedback needed. Changes ARE coming."
"Fight for the Factories | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E32"
"Going to university? Think before you do! (Plumber vs Lecturer)"
"Göring promises airlift as 6th Army surrounded | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E38"
"Hitler vs the Disabled (Aktion T4)"
"Hitler's Conference after Paulus' Surrender Feb 1943"
"How effective were Indian troops in WW2? TIKhistory"
"I have been let down (No Battlestorm?)"
"Is the Soviet WW2 film “Come and See” accurate?"
"My late update! (Gazala, Patreon Q&As, and more)"
"Rommel causes a British Command Crisis 1942! BATTLESTORM North Africa"
"So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919"
"Stalin’s Quest for Ape-Men Super-Soldiers"
"The 30 Hour Stalingrad Documentary Behind The Scenes video"
"The BEST book I've EVER read on Hitler and National Socialism"
"The BIG Reason the Luftwaffe Failed at Stalingrad | Airlift Statistics and Demyansk Comparison"
"The Dangerous Appeal of Hitler’s AI-Translated Speeches"
"The National Socialist Welfare State"
"The Pioneers go in! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E34"
"The Revolution guaranteed inflation - BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation Episode 2"
"The Rise of Oswald Mosley & British Fascism 1932-34"
"The SHOCKING Real Story of the Dresden Firestorm"
"Using OpenTTD to answer “Who will build the roads?”"
"When it REALLY Began - BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation Episode 1"
"Who were technologically superior? The Axis or Allies in WW2?"
"Why Hitler was made "Man of the Year" in 1938"
"Why I reject the ‘MADMAN HITLER’ myth"
"Why did Churchill and De Gaulle invade Syria in 1941?"
"Why did People vote for Hitler?"
"Why didn't Germany just attack the Caucasus by Sea to get the oil?"
"Why do people believe propaganda? (German ‘justification’ for invading Poland 1939)"
"Why study history? What's the point? It's boring!"
"Your Perception of the WW2 Eastern Front is Wrong"
"“But Hitler Crushed the Trade Unions!”"