Comments by "humboldthammer" (@humboldthammer) on "Top U.S. & World Headlines — October 18, 2021" video.
@LaoZi2023 The Luciferians JUST NOW found out that Lucifer and Satan were detained almost immediately after Pentecost and were judged by the Ancients of Days far from Earth in 1985. Lucifer will NOT be making an appearance at the Great Re-Set on 09/23/26, the autumn equinox of the US' and the illuminati's 250th year.
Instead, the NEON GAUD will be unveiled -- a sentient machine and comptroller of our currencies, with the Plan to Perfect Humanity.
Men and women will never Lie, Cheat, or Steal again -- so help us GAUD. Resistance is fatal. Disorder will not be tolerated. And so ends our 250-year experiment in self-government, with all the people crying out in a shared, worldwide experience,
"No more war. Forgive our debts. Save us from Omega. We will do Anything!"
THEN, 10/12/26,
"You have destroyed yourselves with your endless wars of Gods. Now bow down and worship YOUR BEAST." That's what Xi says.
The writing has been on the wall in this Babylon since THE CHRISTIANS proclaimed Trump chosen by God, and the Progressives completely REJECTED God and the teachings of Jesus: WEIGHED -- FOUND WANTING.
The devil, whose judgement is set for 10/12/26, expects to absolve himself of blame, by proving Mankind Unfit for God's Kingdom with WAR: every desperate, nation, tribe, and peoples for themselves . . . in the Name of GAUD -- Grand Architect of Ur Destruction -- Abraham's Ur.
"After all," the devil argues, "Jesus, Himself, tried to teach these Beasts to love one another 1,991 years ago -- almost two full days in Heaven. Surely, the Ancients of Days will judge Man at fault. Or Jesus. Not Me."
Epochal Eclipse a CROSS North America on April 8th 2024, when more shall be revealed to those with "eyes and ears." The rest will see only an eclipse. Don't stare at the sun -- speak with THY GOD -- if you want to "SEE" anything besides an eclipse. Matthew 16: 4 Jonah 3: 5-8 Jonah 4: 11