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Anne Walden
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Anne Walden" (@annewalden3795) on "Royal Family 'devastated' following Prince Harry’s historic testimony" video.
@ganymeade5151 MM thinks she is beautiful and intelligent and tries to convince us all she is right. Fortunately we have good eye sight and common sense and treat her claims as just so much hot air.
Gisele why do you think the taxpayer will cover Harry's costs ? I believe he will receive a bill for all legal fees and I hope he has enough money to pay it.
@mariawong9911 as far as I know H lost the case and will have to pay the costs personally.
@Youtube music Read further H based his idea on the Warrior Games .He has not had an original idea in his life.
@Youtube music H is not the founder of Invictus Games as he just " borrowed " the idea from an American.
@delfine7163 The Bank of Dad is closed .
janeyre49 I believe H has had lots of help but he continues to take drugs . A therapist needs the cooperation of the patient and unfortunately H does not try to help himself.
@claire6795 What makes you think H receives legal aid ?
@alayneperrott9693 I know the amount involved will be enormous but he has taken on this crusade with Elton John and others .We will have to wait and see.
@Youtube music Well I believe my information is correct.
@Youtube music You sound just like the creep H and are just as well informed.
@Diamondmine212 That is not the way lawyers work as reputation counts for an awful lot .I think the problem is H who does not understand he has an obsession with the Media which is out of control .
@gwae48 You are right Diana was advised that he was not making good progress at school.
@Youtube music I don't reveal private information to clowns like you.
VLW he thinks his truth is what matters and does not understand the law requires more than feelings / emotions .
@ciatris9006 Don't worry the legal costs are to be borne by the 5 people who brought this action unless they win the case .